40 Photos Of Things Millennials Haven’t Thought About In 20 Years But Will Recognize On Sight

1. Pierre Escargot sitting in his bathtub and saying,"hon-hon-hon":

2. This yearly flexibility test that was part of the Presidential Physical Fitness Test and was truly the most painful thing ever:

3. These pencils that were an absolute status symbol, but also just useless if you lost a couple of cartridges:

4. These poster displays you'd find in the back of the store, and the satisfying "cluck-cluck" sound they would make whenever you'd flip to the next one:

5. The oh-so-cool-for-like-a-week 3D posters that you could hang on your bedroom wall like artwork:

6. All the extra labels that came with blank VHS tapes that no one would ever use:

7. The 75 folders you'd have to open up in Windows just so you could play solitaire:

8. The animated underwater screensaver that came with Windows 98 that you thought was so realistic and felt like you could stare at forever:

9. The Kids' WB programming block — that arguably had the best lineup of cartoons — back when it was still the WB:

10. The promotional Pocahontas glasses you could get at Burger King:

11. The Burger King Kids Club characters that were featured on the Kids Club Meal cups:

12. The Crossfire commercial that made it seem like it was the most intense board game ever:

13. Creepy Crawlers and the distinct plasticky smell that would come from the molding oven anytime you made something:

14. The coupon dispensers in the aisles of the supermarket that were essentially used just by kids as a toy:

15. Butterfinger BB's candy, which was the perfect Butterfinger candy:

16. These brushes that your mom would have in her purse:

17. The Spacemaker pencil box, which would always explode open if you accidentally dropped it:

18. These mouses that always felt awkward to use:

19. The turtle sandbox, which would turn into a cat toilet if you forgot to put the shell back on it:

20. Having to set your TV to Channel 3 whenever you played video games or wanted to watch a VHS tape:

21. And the green volume bar that would display across the bottom quarter of your TV whenever you raised or lowered the volume:

22. These blocks that, like Legos, also hurt to step on barefoot:

23. These Garfield glasses that every family seemed to own:

24. The ashtrays that were built into seats in older cars and were fun to play with (if you managed to pry one open):

25. The fishing game that sounded like it was grinding ice whenever you played with it:

26. Tiger handheld games, which really made you strain your eyes anytime you played with one:

27. Brain Quest games that truly made learning fun:

28. Kool-Aid Bursts, which were the coolest drinks you could have in your lunchbox:

29. And these Pringles chips cases that actually did a job protecting your chips in your lunchbox:

30. These chocolates that you would sell for school fundraisers:

31. The plain cafeteria chicken burgers that you would eat doused in ketchup:

32. The holes in the school's outdoor lunch tables:

33. The hip-hop Looney Tunes T-shirts that all the cool kids wore:

34. The McDonald's Halloween buckets that actually held very little candy:

35. KitKats when they came wrapped in foil:

36. Looking up movie times in the newspaper:

37. These watercolor sets that really didn't paint shit and just turned into a watery mess:

38. These floppy disk storage boxes, which nobody really ever used and just sat next to the family computer:

39. The Eyewitness Books series that you would 90% of the time never read and just flip through the pages to look at the cool photos:

40. And lastly, the scrambled adult channels, which would sometimes come into focus for a split second and you could also definitely hear:

H/T: r/90s and r/nostalgia.