40 Funny Cat Videos Guaranteed to Make You Feel Paw-some!

There's just something about watching short, silly videos chronicling the shenanigans of fuzzy animals. Whether you use them as a mental break from a stressful day, or they just pop up on your social media and give you a passing chuckle, they have the power to take the weight of the world off your shoulders in just a few seconds.

In fact, funny cat videos in particular are scientifically proven to do amazing things for your stress levels and health. A recent study conducted by Jessica Gall Myrick, PhD, a social scientist and professor at Penn State University, found that watching cat videos was shown to reduce tiredness by up to 40 percent and increase energy by 16 percent. Plus, 82 percent of subjects reported immediately feeling happier and less stressed after watching just a quick little cat video. (Click through to learn more about how watching cat videos is good for your health).

Here, we've complied a list of 40 adorable, funny cat videos in various "cat"-egories that are sure to have you laughing and feeling great.

Funny cat videos: Feline mischief

1. This feline is oh so sassy — or should we say “cats-y”?

2. These kitties prove cats can just be the worst house guests sometimes.

3. Sometimes you have to wonder what cats are thinking!

4. Nobody can keep this fluff ball contained!

5. The lesson? Don't get caught red-pawed.

Funny cat videos: Talking back

6. Hello to you too, Mr. Orange.

7. One things for sure: cats don't like baths.

8. This is Kurt, and his life is just about purr-fect.

9. This feline sure does want a treat!

10. What a chatty kitty!

11. Hey there, cutie pie.

12. These two are quite the talkers!

Funny cat videos: Playtime

13. We all want an invite to this club!

14. This video is pure magic.

15. Talk about a sneak attack.

16. They all get gold medals at the Kitty Olympics!

Funny cat videos: The cutest kittens

17. Being this cute should be illegal.

18. Such a little baby!

19. This toy belongs to Miss Whiskers and Miss Whiskers only!

https://youtube.com/shorts/wRWx5in1zag?feature=share (

20. Like mother like daughter!

21. It's a box full of heaven.

22. These kitties should go on Dancing With The Stars.

23. Calvin the Cat sure has some little legs.

24. This is the most precious meow!

25. Someone isn't a fan of costumes.

26. Mama cats are something special.

27. It's a swarm of cats!

Funny cat videos: Best friends

28. Even cats need cuddle buddies.

29. Cats vs. dogs — who will win?

30. Anything to win a cat's love!

31. Even the baby gets how cute cats are.

32. Be right back — we are suffering from a cuteness overload.

33. This the best form of instant besties.

34. Who doesn't love group hugs?

35. Do you think they knew?

36. This is the face of tolerance.

37. Lady and the Tramp — cat version.

Funny cat videos: Chonky

38. He's so squishy!

39. This cat is a breakdancing star!

40. It's Garfield in real life.

Want more cat cuteness? Check out these stories:

7 Flat Face Cat Breeds That Are (Almost) Too Cute to Handle

10 Adorable Cats Who Refuse to Let You Do Any Laundry

People Are Teaching Their Cats to High-Five