40 Best Chemistry Jokes and Puns

It probably goes without saying that science isn't everyone's favorite subject in school. While some excel at biology and chemistry, others might not find it fun at all. A great way to make any subject more relatable and fun is to add humor to a lesson. Whether you're looking for kid-friendly jokes or more mature jokes, there's a ton of material out there.

In other words, if you think chemistry can't be funny, you're wrong. From knock-knock jokes about the periodic table of elements to corny jokes about protons, neutrons, and atoms, to an endless list of chemistry puns, there are plenty of options to make you laugh.

Here are some of the best chemistry jokes to jot down before your next science class. If you're a student, use them to get on your teacher's good side, and if you're a teacher, use these to get your students to crack a smile after a particularly tough pop quiz. And if you just love chemistry, you'll appreciate them even more.

Funny Chemistry Jokes

  • What do you call a nonsensical felon? A silicon.

  • Make like a proton, and stay positive.

  • If Iron Man and Silver Surfer teamed up, they'd be alloys.

  • What do the other elements say to hydrogen? What a loner!

  • I can't remember that element, but it's on the tip of my tungsten.

  • What do you call iron blowing in the breeze? Febreeze!

  • What kind of dogs do chemists have? Laboratory Retrievers

  • What did one charged atom say to the other? I got my ion you!

  • I once told a chemistry joke. There was no reaction.

chemistry jokes reaction
Woman's Day
  • Know any good chemistry jokes? Na.

  • What element derives from a Norse god? Thorium.

  • I'm out of chemistry jokes. I should zinc of a new one.

  • I like chemistry jokes because they're funny. He. He. He.

  • I make bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones argon.

  • Are you made of copper and tellurim? Because you're CuTe.

  • Chemistry is like cooking. Just don't lick the cutlery.

  • Oh no! I've lost my electron. Oh no! Are you positive?

chemistry jokes electron
Woman's Day
  • Why are helium, curium, and barium the three main medical elements? If you can't curium or helium, you barium!

  • Are you 11 protons? Cause you are sodium fine.

  • The wrestler holding down an opponent may have a neon him.

  • Knock, knock, who's there? Beryl. Beryl who? Beryl and Lium.

  • I am female. Fe = Iron and Male = man. Therefore, I am Iron Man.

  • Forget hydrogen, you're my number one element.

  • Someone threw sodium chloride at me. I yelled, “That’s a salt!”

  • Hey want to hear a joke about potassium? K.

chemistry jokes potassium
Woman's Day
  • What is a chemist's favorite holiday song? Oh, Chemist-TREE!

  • How often should you tell a chemistry joke? Periodically.

  • That was sodium funny. I slapped my neon that one.

  • What do you call a clown in jail? A silicon!

  • Susan was in chemistry. Susan is no more, for what she thought was H2O was H2SO4.

  • How did the Arsenals become a strong club in the English Premier League? Because they are bronzed with arsenic.

  • Want to hear a joke about nitrogen oxide? NO!

  • What do you do with a dead chemist? Barium.

chemistry jokes barium
Woman's Day
  • Teacher: Do you know your elements? Isotope so.

  • Come on guys, these chemistry jokes are getting a bit boron.

  • Guys, stop it with the puns. We've all sulfured enough.

  • Why did the white bear dissolve in water? Because it was polar!

  • What do you get when you mix helium with steel? Flying cars.

  • What is uranium + fluorine + oxygen? Answer: UFO

  • The proton is not speaking to the other proton — he's mad atom.

chemistry jokes silicon
Woman's Day

It goes without saying that science isn't everyone's favorite subject in school. While some excel at biology and chemistry, others might not find it fun at all. A great way to make any subject more relatable and fun is to add humor to a lesson. Whether you're looking for kid-friendly jokes or more mature jokes, there is tons of material out there. In other words, if you think chemistry can't be funny, you're wrong. From knock-knock jokes about the periodic table of elements to corny jokes about protons, neutrons, and atoms, to an endless list of chemistry puns, there are plenty of options to make you smile. If you're a student, use these jokes to get on your teacher's good side, and if you're a teacher, use these to get your students to crack a smile after a particularly tough pop quiz.

From puns to knock-knock jokes, here are 40 chemistry jokes to jot down before your next science class. They're sure to make you smile, no matter how much you dread chemistry class. And if you love chemistry, you'll appreciate them even more. Like a proton, we're positive you'll enjoy them!

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