The 4 Zodiac Signs Least Affected by Eclipse Season

Eclipse Season Least Affected Zodiac Signs

It's eclipse season again, and many people are worried about how it may affect them. Although eclipses are fated moments of change that align with our soul's destiny, not everyone experiences eclipse season's influence and life lessons the same way. This upcoming season will feature two eclipses that revolve around relationships, romance, codependency, independence, and freedom in love. Everyone is demanding more for themselves! While some signs might be in for the craziest two weeks of their lives, others are going through a more internal transformational change. Curious if your zodiac sign is one of the lucky few avoiding the eclipse drama? We asked professional astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim to share which zodiac signs will be least impacted by the drama.

When is Eclipse Season 2024?

Eclipses always occur in pairs, and the period between the first and second eclipse in a series is called eclipse season. During this time, the moon's energy is overpowered by the chaotic fated events that eclipse season encourages us to explore. The first eclipse season of the year takes place from March 25 to April 8, 2024, starting with the lunar eclipse in Libra and ending with the total solar eclipse in Aries.

4 Zodiac Signs Least Affected by Eclipse Season

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Eclipse season will be easy for you this year, mainly because you've been here and done that already. That's right, the last eclipse season from 2021 to 2023 took place across the Taurus-Scorpio axis, and it caused a lot of trouble with your money and financial stability. Now that you're out from under the influence of the karmic eclipses of fate, you're working on using the lessons you've learned over the last two years to rebuild the foundation of your life. "Taurus may be in the best position to grow through this eclipse thanks to Jupiter in Taurus exiting its post-shadow phase. This could give them wider perspectives and vantage points that increase a sense of optimism," explains Grim. Use the energy of the lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25 to review your routines, rituals, and life path, laying the groundwork for a reflective and empowering solar eclipse in Aries on April 8, where you'll be encouraged to liberate yourself from your past failures and embrace the future.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, during eclipse season, your guides have a special message about nurturing your creativity and inner muse. Lately, you've been unable to detach yourself from the fear of being judged by others. However, there's hope. Luckily, there's hope for radical change this eclipse season. Grim suggests Leos may find inspiration in new ideas or insights around new ways of communicating or creating community. The stars are aligning to clarify matters you've been contemplating, bringing a sense of peace and inner certainty before you take your next steps. And you might meet someone crucial to your journey in the coming weeks. Keep your intuition sharp during the lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25, and use the insights gained to solidify your choices by the solar eclipse on April 8.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, eclipse season is much less intense for you compared to years past. Like Taurus, the 2021-2023 eclipses directly influenced your sphere of money, resources, values, shared commitments, and boundaries with other people. Now that you've done the work to pinpoint what motivates you to show up as your best self, you can use what you've learned to create a deeper sense of trust and love with the people around you. "These eclipses are indirectly leading Scorpio towards a more ideal partnership," says Grim. "Any relationship transitions during this time are destined in some ways, indicating that both partners have already internalized the karmic lessons." During the lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25, you're invited to let go of the past and embrace new adventures just in time to find a renewed sense of purpose during the total solar eclipse in Aries on April 8.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, eclipse season wants you to engage in a new way of thinking, so pay attention to synchronicities that arise over the next two weeks. Grim says that people with Aquarius placements should write down their dreams during the upcoming eclipses. Prophetic and insightful messages regarding your current social connections and potential growth opportunities will come through. You might find yourself inspired or even invited to take on a new leadership role that will push you outside your comfort zone. Now's the time to dive back into old dreams and passions you left behind before–is there a chance that your true calling was hiding there all along? Release your self-sabotaging thoughts during the lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25, just in time for you to have fated discussions with people who can help you broadcast your ideas to the world during the solar eclipse on April 8.

UP NEXT: Your Eclipse Season Tarot Reading Brings a Cosmic Message of Healing.