4 Tips for a Successful Dry January

This advice will make a booze-free month much easier.

Moderation and mindfulness are excellent guiding principles for good health. But once Thanksgiving hits, that tenet often flies out the window—especially when it comes to alcohol.

It’s difficult not to overindulge during the holidays, when socializing seems to go hand in hand with a glass (or three) of wine. Too much alcohol can not only negatively affect your sleep, it can stress your skin and lead to overeating, too. If you’re looking for a fresh start in January, one of the best ways to kick off the new year is to participate in dry January—a month of no booze. Here are four tips to set you up for success:

1. Ease Into It

Instead of going cold turkey on January 1, start easing up on alcohol right now. Gradually removing it from your diet will make adhering to a dry month much easier.

2. Exercise

If your exercise routine has followed your willpower right out the window this season, get back on track. Remember, alcohol is a depressant, while exercise boosts endorphins. That's a much better high to cling to.

3. Swap In a Non-Alcoholic Beverage

If you find yourself hankering for a cocktail at the end of the work day, keep the ritual—just switch the booze out for something healthier, like homemade iced tea (hint: make a big pitcher on Sunday so you can drink it all week). If you like to tinker with cocktails, opt for mocktails with non-alcoholic spirits (we like Seedlip), syrups, sodas, and tinctures.

4. Explore New Places

If you find yourself wondering why you aren't taking advantage of all the great things your town has to offer, skip the bars and meet your friends at a new spot you’ve been wanting to check out.

RELATED: How to Start Working Out (If You Basically Haven't Moved Since Halloween)

Still need help cutting back? Here's our advice on our how to drink less alcohol.