4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Leftovers


Star chefs face the same quandary you do on weekday nights: what to cook with a fridge full of leftovers. Here, four experts reveal their tricks.

Jamie Bissonnette, Coppa and Toro, Boston

"Leftover roast chicken is great in a quinoa salad. I make Spanish omelettes with leftover vegetables, and tortillas stuffed with deboned buffalo wings. I could go on all day."

Tim Byres, Smoke, Dallas

"Leftovers aren't sexy—they're more of a 'yesterday's meat loaf is today's sloppy joe' thing. That said, it's easy to repurpose some chicken into tacos the next day."

Jenn Louis, Lincoln Restaurant, Portland, OR

"I like leftovers, but they have to hold up. Meat grilled rare to medium stays moist the next day, but dressed salad wilts overnight."

Sarah and Evan Rich, Rich Table, San Francisco

"We never feel like eating the same thing the next day, so we do something different with leftovers. Since we don't have a microwave, we have to reheat them on the stove anyway. Why not make something new?"