4 Simple Ways to Combat the Sunday Scaries

You know that Sunday evening feeling? The weekend fun is over, there's probably some cleaning to do, and more than anything, you don’t want Monday to arrive. Well, that feeling has a name, and it's the Sunday scaries.

Sunday scaries are feelings of dread associated with the start of the traditional work week. They can be caused by any number of factors, too. Many people experiencing the Sunday scaries are unhappy with their job or have a busy week ahead of them. However, they can also be caused by knowing the weekend is ending and not having enough time to wind down due to a busy schedule or weekend job.

Erin Berman, the sleep and wellness expert at Nectar mattresses, says that while society wasn’t always using a Sunday scaries hashtag along with self-care photos, feelings of dread and anxiety aren’t exactly a new thing. “Even small children feel anxious about starting school after a couple days off, so it feels like something well-conditioned by the time we are adults,” Erin says. “This trend might be on the rise as more people feel overwhelmed by their workload and are more accessible via technology and feel pressure to stay connected, even on their days off.”

So, what can you do to combat the Sunday Scaries? A lot, it turns out.

1. Unplug Your Technology

We know it’s hard, but Erin says a tech-free weekend is the best medicine for Sunday scaries—especially if you have a boss who forgets the weekends are for time off. “Make sure you unplug from technology during your weekend and do the things that make you feel happy and fulfilled,” Erin says. “That way you will have done activities that bring you joy before work starts again.”

2. Take Up Yoga

If you’re having trouble winding down on Sunday night, pick up a few simple habits to fall asleep easier. “You can make small, easy changes like incorporating breath work, meditation, or a gentle yoga routine before falling asleep to relax the mind,” Erin says. You can also have a relaxing cup of tea as you get ready for bed.

3. Get Good Sleep

Do everything you can to fall asleep fast and well. That includes buying a supportive mattress. We also recommend a noise machine if you like white noise while you sleep—this is much less distracting than keeping the TV on low. If all of the above fail to help you fall asleep, try a weighted blanket.

4. Phone a Friend

Don't underestimate the power of friendship. If the Sunday scaries have got you down, pick up the phone and reconnect with old friends. Catch up on new experiences and remember old times. You might even find that they’re going through the same anxious feelings as you are on Sunday nights.

If you try these stress-relief practices and still feel a little down as the weekend comes to an end, seek medical professional help.