4 Reasons a Post-Adventure Drink Is Worth the (Little) Extra Weight in Your Pack

This article originally appeared on Outside

Prepping for a backpacking trip looks something like this: lay out your gear, pack the essentials, then agonize over the little things that add weight but boost comfort and fun. That camp chair? Tough call. But a few extra ounces of good cheer are always worth packing. Here's why toting TINCUP mountain whiskey along on your adventure should be considered essential.

Toast an Epic View

At the end of a long trail day, it can be tempting to plop your pack down at the first campsite you come across. Don't. It's always worth a little extra effort to find a spot with a view--near a sparkling alpine lake or overlooking a desert canyon. No matter what natural wonders are around you, a great vista calls for a great drink. Watching the sunset in a pretty place is even more enjoyable with a delicious whiskey in hand. Think of yourself as the only patron at the coolest, most exclusive outdoor bar around.

Celebrate a Safe and Successful Summit

Summits (or even attempted summits with a safe call to turn around if necessary) are absolutely worth celebrating. But statistics show that more problems happen on the descent when people are tired and more likely to be unfocused. The summit is the perfect place to soak in the accomplishment (and the views) and refuel for the descent with a tasty snack. Pocket bacon anyone? Then when you're back at camp, kick up your feet and pour a little backcountry cocktail as your well-deserved reward for a safe and successful mission.

Surprise Your Friends

Imagine getting to camp after a tiring day on a sunny, hot trail. The whole group is exhausted (and probably pretty thirsty). After your friends have rehydrated, break out your secret stash of TINCUP mountain whiskey as a surprise treat. The looks on their faces will be unbeatable, and that extra cargo you carried with you all of those miles will immediately be worth its weight in the happiness you create. And, hey, maybe they'll return the favor someday!

Spice Up Your Evening Beverage

A hot drink on a chilly night in the mountains is a must. Take your warmer-upper up a notch with the addition of your favorite whiskey. For a high-alpine hot toddy, mix TINCUP original whiskey with a packet of honey and a little lemon. Or add a healthy pour of TINCUP rye whiskey to a packet of spiced cider mix for a festive vibe.

TINCUP mountain whiskey is cut with Rocky Mountain water. The tin cup that comes with each bottle of TINCUP is a nod to the old tin cups from which the Rocky Mountain miners drank their whiskey. It's also a convenient way to enjoy TINCUP after an epic adventure outdoors with friends. To follow the latest adventure, check out TINCUP on Instagram @tincupwhiskey.

(c)2022 TINCUP Whiskey, Denver, Colorado. Please drink TINCUP(r) Whiskey responsibly.

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