These 4 Plants Can Help Slash The Number Of Mosquitoes In Your Backyard

These 4 Plants Can Help Slash The Number Of Mosquitoes In Your Backyard

Face it: we all hate having to keep a bottle of bug spray handy to fight off the swarm of mosquitoes whenever we want to relax in our backyards. Bug repellents can be messy and a hassle to use (not to mention you have to reapply it like, every hour).

Luckily, mother nature has created a solution to this problem: dragonflies. Not only are the insects beautiful, but they have the ability to eat 100 mosquitoes a day! And it's not just the full-grown ones contributing—dragonfly larvae typically consume the most mosquitoes.

Now, in order to use this secret weapon that mother nature has provided, you have to know how to attract dragonflies. This can easily be done by planting specific plants in your garden (Bonus: the plants are just as beautiful as the dragonflies):

No more bug spray!

From Women's Health