4 High-Protein Sweet Treats That Can Stabilize Blood Sugar For Weight Loss: Protein-Packed Smoothie Bowl & More

person eating smoothie bowl
person eating smoothie bowl

High-protein sweet treats offer a delightful twist to traditional desserts by combining the satisfaction of sweetness with the benefits of protein. These treats are crafted to provide a healthier alternative to sugary snacks, making them an excellent choice for those aiming to stabilize blood sugar levels and support weight loss goals.

We spoke with Dr. Sharmela Devi G, a registered dietitian nutritionist, to learn about four unexpected protein-packed desserts you can indulge in while also losing weight and stabilizing blood sugar levels. She revealed that Greek yogurt parfaits, protein-packed smoothie bowls, cottage cheese with fruit, and black bean brownies are the protein-rich desserts to go for.

1. Cottage Cheese with Fruit

Cottage cheese is a notable source of protein, aiding in weight loss by promoting a feeling of fullness and reducing the desire for excessive calorie consumption. The inclusion of fruit adds essential vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, enhancing the nutritional profile of the snack. This wholesome duo not only satisfies sweet cravings but also supports weight management through its ability to provide sustained energy, stabilize blood sugar levels, and contribute to a balanced and satisfying diet.

Devi notes that "cottage cheese is another excellent source of protein and is lower in calories. Paired with fruit, it provides a balanced dessert, offering both protein and fiber. Mix low-fat cottage cheese with diced fruit like pineapple, berries, or peaches. Add a sprinkle of cinnamon or a drizzle of honey for extra flavor."

2. Black Bean Brownies

By substituting traditional flour with black beans, these brownies become a rich source of plant-based protein and fiber. The high protein content not only aids in muscle maintenance but also contributes to a sense of fullness, assisting in weight loss by reducing overall calorie intake. Additionally, the fiber content helps regulate blood sugar levels and promotes digestive health.

"Black beans are surprisingly great in brownies, offering a dense, fudgy texture. They are high in protein and fiber, which contribute to weight loss by keeping you fuller for longer and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Use pureed black beans as the base for brownies instead of flour. Combine with cocoa powder, a sweetener of your choice, and eggs," Devi highlights. Here is a delicious black bean brownie recipe on TikTok everyone should try!

3. Greek Yogurt Parfait

Greek yogurt, rich in protein, is another dessert that helps with feeling full and contributes to weight loss by curbing hunger and reducing overall calorie intake. The combination of protein and fiber from the berries and nuts not only enhances the parfait's texture and taste but also provides a nutritious and satisfying option for those aiming to manage their weight.

"Greek yogurt is high in protein, which helps maintain muscle mass while losing weight. It's also filling, which can prevent overeating. The addition of berries adds fiber and antioxidants without too many calories," Devi notes.

She says to "combine Greek yogurt with a small amount of honey or maple syrup, fresh berries, and a sprinkle of granola or nuts."

4. Protein-Packed Smoothie Bowl

This wholesome bowl typically blends together a variety of ingredients, including protein-rich sources like Greek yogurt, protein powder, and nut butter, combined with an array of colorful fruits and wholesome toppings like granola and seeds. The high protein content in the smoothie base not only adds a creamy texture but also promotes satiety, helping to control appetite and reduce overall calorie intake. The nutrient density of the smoothie bowl, coupled with the metabolism-boosting properties of protein, makes it a valuable addition to a weight-loss regimen.

Proteins take longer to digest compared to carbohydrates, which means they are broken down and absorbed more slowly in the body. This slower digestion helps prevent rapid spikes in blood sugar levels after consuming a meal or snack.

"Smoothie bowls can be a satisfying way to end a meal or as a snack. Protein helps keep you full, and fruits provide nutrients and fiber, aiding in healthy digestion and weight loss. Blend a protein-rich ingredient like Greek yogurt or a scoop of protein powder with frozen fruits. Serve in a bowl and top with sliced fruit, nuts, or seeds," Devi notes.

The Bottom Line

Including these protein-rich desserts in your diet can serve as a tasty and successful approach to achieving weight loss goals. The crucial factor contributing to their efficacy is the high protein content, promoting feelings of fullness, supporting muscle upkeep, and enhancing overall metabolism.

Devi concludes by saying that these options "provide a healthier way to satisfy sweet cravings. Remember, portion control is still important, even with healthier dessert options. Enjoying these treats in moderation alongside a balanced diet and regular exercise is the best approach for weight loss."