4 DIY Halloween Nail Art Ideas You Need to Try

From Harper's BAZAAR

Spooky Eyes

Start with two coats of a glossy jet black like Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Blacky-O. Allow to dry.

With a striping brush, fill in the moon section of your index finger nail bed with a canary hue like Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Gigabryte. Repeat on the middle finger with a rich turquoise like Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Fish-teal Braid.

Clean striping brush with acetone, dip in black polish, then add a oblong oval-this is the pupil-in the center of each patch of color. Finish with a clear top coat, which will minimize imperfections.

Jagged Edge

With a striping brush, paint along nail top third of nails in a zig-zag pattern with cool conrete like Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Greyfitti. Allow to dry.

Clean striping brush with acetone, then using your first coat as a guide, add a second, smaller zig-zag pattern with a darker charcoal like Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Slate-r Girl. Finish with a clear top coat, which will minimize imperfections.

Mrs. Claws

Start with two coats of a flesh-nude polish like Zoya Cala. Allow to dry.

With a striping brush held horizontally to the nail bed, start from the bottom and work upwards, add rough, triangle-shaped slashes of a bloody red like Cle De Peau- 04. Finish with a clear top coat, which will minimize imperfections.

Candy Corn Cool

With a striping brush held horizontally, draw a thick band of a powdery yellow like Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Gigabryte along the center of the nail bed. Allow to dry.

Clean striping brush with acetone, then paint the tips with a mellow melon like Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Tribal Sun. Finish with a clear top coat, which will minimize imperfections.

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