4 Different Types of Facelifts You Need to Know About

Not all facelifts are the same. And according to La Jolla, CA, plastic surgeon Robert Singer, MD, different lifts are performed depending on how much sagging there is, what needs to be treated and the desired outcome.

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The Full Facelift

Often considered ‘the works’, a full facelift corrects sagging and loose skin on the face and neck, and creates noticeable improvement on the entire face.

The Mid-Facelift

Honing in on more of the middle part of the face, a mid-facelift works to alleviate problems like saggy cheeks and deep folds around the mouth.

The Lower Facelift

When jowls and saggy skin are an issue on just the bottom portion of the face and the rest of the face is in pretty good shape, a lower facelift may be the best option.

The Mini-Facelift

Using a smaller incision than a full facelift, a mini-lift gives some tightening to the cheeks and jaw, but without any muscle correction, so the results last five years or less.