4 Designer-Approved Tips to Bring the Outdoors Into Your Decor

<p><a href="https://louisdhe.com/">Louis Duncan-He</a></p>

If you've always wondered how to fully bring the outdoors into your home, designers are here to help. Below, pros weigh in with handy tips for how you can add natural touches to your space, whether it's large or small.

Meet the Experts

<p><a href="https://grayspaceinteriors.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">Gray Space Interiors</a></p>

Bring in Natural Materials

There are many ways to bring the outdoors into your space, whether you live in a large home or a compact studio apartment.

"To seamlessly merge the beauty of the outdoors with the indoor space, a thoughtful approach that blends natural elements with the existing interior decor is key," Lonni Paul, the founder of Lonni Paul Design, says.

One way to do so is to bring in natural materials—Paul is a proponent of wood and stone in particular. Paul recommends focusing on incorporating earthy tones and textures inspired by nature.

You'll also want to be thoughtful about the hues you use in your space. As Linda Hayslett, the founder of LH.Designs, notes, natural color palettes will work wonders.

"Hunter greens, dark browns, sky blues, or even colors of flowers can really start bringing the outside indoors," Hayslett says.

<p><a href="https://louisdhe.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Louis Duncan-He</a></p>

Make Subtle Changes

By no means do you have to completely revamp your home in order to bring elements of the outdoors inside. For example, you can make significant changes in your space simply by painting your walls a new color or setting out some potted plants, Hayslett explains.

"Those are easy things to do in one weekend, even if you're looking for a quick change that can make an impact," Hayslett says.

Do not underestimate the power of natural scents, either, Paul says.

"Scent is a powerful sense that can help create a connection to the outdoors," she says and recommends making use of candles or essential oils scented with pine, lavender, or eucalyptus.

Last but not least, refresh your decorative accents to lean more earthy. "Utilize nature-inspired patterns on pillows, rugs, or wallpaper for a subtle nod to the outside world," Paul says.

<p><a href="https://www.dburnsinteriors.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Desiree Burns Interiors</a></p>

Connect Both Indoor and Outdoor Spaces

If you're fortunate enough to have a useable outdoor space such as a deck, Olga Naiman, founder of Spatial Alchemy, says the be aware of the transitions from outdoor to in, so it can feel as seamless as possible. She recommends looking at brands such as TimberTech which offers flooring choices that will complement indoor choices well.

"It is important to allow what is inside to be in conversation with what is on the outside, to create a sense of harmony," Naiman says.

Don't Forget Overlooked Spots

Keep in mind that you can focus on bringing the outdoors into more than just your living room or sunroom. The kitchen and bedroom deserve a little love, too—bring in some stone elements for a natural touch, Hayslett recommends.

"Using stone as an accent wall or backsplash or even more natural woods in those spaces for furniture can help make each space feel more cohesive with the outdoor area," Hayslett says.

When designing a home from scratch, prioritize the windows and ceilings. Paul recommends using natural light through thoughtfully placed windows and skylights. This will instantly transform the room's ambiance by creating a welcoming and organic feel.

Even bathrooms, hallways, and small nooks can benefit from touches of nature.

"Many people have corners in their homes which feel neglected," Naiman says. "Putting a large-scale tree—or even a mini one—in a corner allows your whole home to feel alive.

Paul suggests opting for hanging plants or creating a living wall for a special touch. And don't forget about another key element of nature—water.

"Consider adding a small fountain or indoor water feature to your space to bring the soothing sounds of nature inside," Paul says.  

<p><a href="https://www.lhdesigned.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">LH.Designs</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.laurentaylorcreative.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Lauren Taylor</a></p>

Significance of Bringing the Outdoors In

Drawing from the natural world during the design process will result in a home that is more than just aesthetically pleasing.

"We as interior designers can create a space that is not only visually stunning but also emblematic of harmony and balance, elevating the overall quality of living," Paul says.

Read Next: 9 Ways to Increase Natural Lighting in a Home

Read the original article on The Spruce.