4 Best Vacation Destinations For Black Geriatric Millennials

Black couple on vacation at the beach
Black couple on vacation at the beach

Millennials are getting old. The first generation to experience the internet is aging and the first batch recently hit their early 40s. As millennials get older, their preferences are changing and that includes the way they travel.

Older millennials, also dubbed geriatric millennials, are especially different when it comes to making travel preparations. They’re planning for trips earlier, spending more time finding travel deals, and opting for more inclusive opportunities like cruises and resorts.

Even more so, geriatric millennials are handpicking the best destinations for them based on their travel needs. Here is a satirical list of places to consider traveling to for geriatric millennials looking to get away, unwind, and relax.

Las Vegas, NV

casino game table in Vegas
Photo credit: Kaysha

Vegas is a great destination for older millennials because there’s so much to do in close proximity. From gambling and illustrious restaurants to live shows and concerts, Vegas is a melting pot of fun and excitement. Due to there being such a heavy concentration of attractions and excursions along the Las Vegas Strip, this destination allows geriatric millennials to get to where they need to be without having to do a ton of extra walking and commuting. Vegas has also been seeing a slew of musical performances from millennial favorites like Usher, Adele, and Lady Gaga. These shows, as well as the city’s bright lights, casinos, and fantastic parties, keep geriatric millennials coming back every year.

Orlando, FL

Many geriatric millennials have children and families that they have to include when vacationing. This makes Orlando a great option for older millennials with families. The amusement parks in the city are endless. The city has Walt Disney World Resorts, Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, and more waiting to be explored. Orlando is also a popular destination for millennial group trips, with an assortment of all-inclusive resorts to choose from across the Floridian city. Orlando also has some of the most beautiful hiking trails in the country for outdoor explorers.

St. Louis, MO

man standing outside club
Photo credit: Clem Onojeghuo

Geriatric millennials love saving money. However, despite being more frugal, the generation still enjoys nice things. St. Louis makes the list due to it being so cheap to experience the city and its rich history. Many attractions that cost in other cities, like museums and the zoo, are free. The cost of living is lower in St. Louis than in a lot of other metropolitan cities. Millennial travelers will find lower rates on hotel accommodations and excursions in the Midwest city. Geriatric millennials love saving their coin while getting to the bag and traveling so STL makes this list when it comes to cheap travel.

Atlanta, GA

Atlanta is essentially Black Hollywood so it’s no surprise that geriatric millennials travel here year after year. There’s no telling which celebrities you’ll run into while visiting Atlanta and travelers can really live like the stars while exploring the A. The city has a rich, southern history connected to Black culture, music, and travel. There are parties happening every night, some of the most famous Black-owned restaurants, and luxury accommodations from Buckhead to East Point.