38 Stylish and Statement-Making Kitchen Island Back Panel Ideas

<p><a href="https://louisdhe.com/">Louis Duncan-He</a></p>

When it comes to designing the back panel for your kitchen island, there are a number of approaches you can take.

You can opt to embrace a fun design, use the back panel of your island to bring additional storage into the kitchen, or add some contrast to a room that mostly features one color or material. Read on to see which of the 38 kitchen island statement back panel ideas inspires you.

Choose a Fluted Design

<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/thishousewemade/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">@thishousewemade</a> / Instagram</p>

@thishousewemade / Instagram

If you love the look of a fluted design, consider taking this approach when it comes to your island's back panel. The result is contemporary-looking and airy. Here, the bright white island pops alongside flowers and plants.

Add a Wine Fridge

<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/homeatno.47/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">@homeatno.47 </a>/ Instagram</p>

@homeatno.47 / Instagram

Keep in mind that the back panel of your island can certainly be functional, too. If you're a wine lover, consider adding a built-in wine fridge to your island to free up space inside your larger refrigerator.

Say Yes to Shiplap

<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/homewiththe_masseys/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">@homewiththe_masseys</a> / Instagram</p>

Shiplap isn't just for the walls—it can look stylish on the island, too. If you're drawn to the modern farmhouse aesthetic, this is most definitely the solution for you.

Keep It Sleek

<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/the_sumpter_house/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">@the_sumpter_house</a> / Instagram</p>

@the_sumpter_house / Instagram

Keep it sleek and simple with a luxe-looking wood like this one. If you look around the room, you'll notice that it corresponds with the wood used on the oven range hood as well.

Go Reeded

<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/the_idle_hands/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">@the_idle_hands</a> / Instagram</p>

@the_idle_hands / Instagram

Reeded furniture is having a major moment, and you can embrace this trend in the kitchen by opting for a reeded back panel. We love how this warm tone contrasts with the delicate marble present.

Create Storage

<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/lehomelehouse/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">@lehomelehouse</a> / Instagram</p>

@lehomelehouse / Instagram

Many people will opt to install cabinets in the back of the island to enhance a kitchen's storage capacity. Cabinets like these can be great for housing plastic containers, table linens, bulk snacks, and beyond.

Stick to Paint

<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/insidenumber100/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">@insidenumber100</a> / Instagram</p>

@insidenumber100 / Instagram

There's nothing wrong with keeping things plain and simple, particularly in an ultra-mod kitchen like this one. Here, the island back panel is painted a warm gray tone with no additional frills.

Replicate Larger Cabinets

<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/home_sweet_morris_home/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">@home_sweet_morris_home</a> / Instagram</p>

These island cabinets mimic the larger ones all throughout the kitchen. To ensure they're easily accessible, the homeowner placed barstools at the far ends of the island, so that they do not need to be moved to open the cabinet doors.

Tuck Away Stools

<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/rachelsorbyhome/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">@rachelsorbyhome</a> / Instagram</p>

@rachelsorbyhome / Instagram

An indented back panel makes it easy to neatly tuck away barstools when they aren't in use, which will make it easy to maneuver around in the kitchen (especially when you have guests over).

Camouflage the Look

<p>Design by <a href="https://louisdhe.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Louis Duncan-He</a></p>

Design by Louis Duncan-He

This black panel ends up blending into the walls of this moody basement entertaining area, allowing the bright pink barstools to become the main focus.

Look to Your Backsplash

<p><a href="https://www.ashleymontgomerydesign.com/portfolio/The-Tower-Cres" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Ashley Montgomery</a></p>

The wooden panels used behind the sink make an appearance once again on this island's back panel, resulting in a chic, cohesive look.

Add Larger Chairs

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.lucaseilers.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Lucas Eilers</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.juliesoefer.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Julie Soefer</a></p>

An indented back panel accommodates barstools that are deeper than most, while storage cubbies off to the side of the island serve as the perfect home for a large collection of cookbooks.

Have Fun With Molding

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.benjamin-johnston.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">Benjamin Johnston</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.juliesoefer.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Julie Soefer</a></p>

Molding can add so much visual interest to an island, whether it's painted in a fun hue or left more neutral. We love the welcoming blue-on-blue look in this kitchen.

Embrace Neutrals

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.benjamin-johnston.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">Benjamin Johnston</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.stephenkarlisch.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Stephen Karlisch</a></p>

Here's another example of molding, this time in gray. No matter your style and color preferences, there's an option for you especially if you're looking for something minimal. Add some statement lighting and artwork to make it pop out.

Fuse Style and Function

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.benjamin-johnston.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">Benjamin Johnston</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.juliesoefer.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Julie Soefer</a></p>

White recessed cabinets add a utilitarian touch to this dramatic stone island, which is a work of art on its own. The basic style allows the other displays and marble to stand out on its own.

Warm Up With Wood

<p><a href="https://louisdhe.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Louis Duncan-He</a></p>

In this otherwise all-white kitchen, a wooden back panel brings warmth. It complements the nearby dining table nicely with the cohesive material.

Deceive the Eye

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.benjamin-johnston.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">Benjamin Johnston</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.studiohdp.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Anice Hoachlander</a></p>

Believe it or not, this marble back panel is comprised of various drawers that glide open to provide hidden storage in this luxe kitchen.

Integrate Open Shelving

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.lambrakos.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Lambrakos Studio</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=divya+pandi+photo&sca_esv=563750832&ei=ZWL7ZK3yAo-kptQPktSGgAQ&ved=0ahUKEwjtuImRzZuBAxUPkokEHRKqAUAQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=divya+pandi+photo&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiEWRpdnlhIHBhbmRpIHBob3RvMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABSI4HUFxYmwVwAXgAkAEAmAF6oAHKBKoBAzQuMrgBA8gBAPgBAcICCBAAGIAEGLADwgIHEAAYHhiwA8ICBRAhGKsC4gMEGAEgQYgGAZAGCg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2">Divya Pande</a></p>

If you crave open shelving, you can design your back panel to feature cubbies like these—of course, you can still include some closed cabinetry for the best of both worlds.

Make It Ornate

<p>Design by <a href="https://karachildress.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Kara Childress</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.juliesoefer.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Julie Soefer</a></p>

Here, molding on both the cabinets and the island back panel adds ornate flair to this spacious, neutral kitchen. The wainscoting detail gives the kitchen some more texture and depth.

Mix Wood and White

<p>Design by <a href="https://karachildress.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Kara Childress</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.juliesoefer.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Julie Soefer</a></p>

Here is another example of pairing wood and white on the island; the wood back panel matches the cabinets pictured on the left of the frame creating an overall cohesive statement.

Add Charm

<p><a href="https://www.victoriabelldesign.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Victoria Bell</a></p>

Beadboard back panels are full of charm, whether they're kept white or painted a bright color. Go for a bright color to create some contrast in the kitchen.

Hide Those Scuffs

<p><a href="https://louisdhe.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Louis Duncan-He</a></p>

One benefit of a wooden back panel like this one is that it's less likely to show scuffs and marks that will inevitably occur over time if guests wear their shoes while sitting at the island.

Go Minimal

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.creativetonicdesign.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">Creative Tonic</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.juliesoefer.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Julie Soefer</a></p>

That said, a white back panel can certainly look sleek in the right space, and a wet cloth can be used to keep it looking nice and clean.

Mix and Match Materials

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.creativetonicdesign.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">Creative Tonic</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.juliesoefer.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Julie Soefer</a></p>

Don't be afraid to mix solids, patterns, and marble within the kitchen—this one contains a mix of all three throughout the space and still looks gorgeous.

Go Bright

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.creativetonicdesign.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">Creative Tonic</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.juliesoefer.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Julie Soefer</a></p>

Add some whimsy to your kitchen by saying yes to a bright color like this terrific teal that makes its way from the range hood to the back panel of the island.

Make It Moody

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.creativetonicdesign.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">Creative Tonic</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.juliesoefer.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Julie Soefer</a></p>

A deep black panel is nice and moody and pairs wonderfully with other dramatic colors like purples and blues. Although there are various dark colors paired together, everything complements one another because of the overall theme.

Consider Wood Tones

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.creativetonicdesign.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">Creative Tonic</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.juliesoefer.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Julie Soefer</a></p>

For a timeless mid-century modern look, embrace wood all throughout the kitchen—not just when it comes to cabinetry and the island, but when selecting seating, too.

Be a Minimalist

<p><a href="https://www.marypattondesign.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">Mary Patton</a></p>

These minimalist cabinets that make up the back panel of the island are barely there; they don't even contain hardware which makes them subtle against the rattan chairs.

Add a Bracket

<p><a href="https://erinwilliamsondesign.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Erin Williamson</a></p>

The bracket used to support the top of this island also serves as a useful divider to section off seating, ensuring that everyone has space to sit and eat comfortably.

Don't Play Favorites

<p><a href="https://louisdhe.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Louis Duncan-He</a></p>

There's no need to choose between all-white and all-wood; if you love a bit of both, embrace it, as showcased here. Have fun mixing and matching your favorite wood tones together.

Use Some Green

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.heuerdesigncollective.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Dawn Heuer</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.rusticwhiteinteriors.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Robert Peterson </a></p>

The upper cabinets are white but the lower ones are a cheerful green which can be a nice balance if you're uncertain about going all in with color. The contrast allows the colors to stand out on their own with the brown decor touches.

Vary Wood Tones

<p><a href="https://www.ashleymontgomerydesign.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Ashley Montgomery</a></p>

Don't be afraid to vary wood tones within the kitchen, either. While the beams on the ceiling are lighter in color, the rich, darker wood cabinets that make up the back panel of the island look right at home in the space.

Let Light Green Shine

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.heuerdesigncollective.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Dawn Heuer</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.elizabethlaurengranger.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Elizabeth Granger</a></p>

Here's another instance where light green shines in the kitchen, this time in the form of another shiplap back panel. The light green creates an airy ambiance.

Pair Wood and Metal

<p><a href="https://www.dburnsinteriors.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Desiree Burns</a></p>

In this mod kitchen, wood and metal work in harmony to create a sophisticated, functional setup.

Add Pops of Off-White

<p>Design by <a href="https://jenniferhunterdesign.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Jennifer Hunter</a> / Photo by <a href="http://www.kirstenfrancisphoto.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Kirsten Francis</a></p>

An off-white beadboard back panel nicely complements the off-white backsplash used throughout this inviting, airy kitchen. The additional striped detailing brings more texture to the space.

Weave in Texture

<p>Design by <a href="https://jenniferhunterdesign.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Jennifer Hunter</a> / Photo by <a href="http://www.kirstenfrancisphoto.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Kirsten Francis</a></p>

A black ribbed back panel adds some subtle texture to this kitchen, which already seamlessly blends a range of natural materials.

Experiment With Materials

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.emmaberyl.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Emma Beryl</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.bdphotographs.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Bo Dabi</a></p>

Think outside the box: Marble and wood isn't an ultra-common combination but looks stunning nonetheless with the right amount.

Prioritize Storage

<p>Design by <a href="https://www.heuerdesigncollective.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1" rel="nofollow">Dawn Heuer</a> / Photo by <a href="https://www.elizabethlaurengranger.com/" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="2" rel="nofollow">Elizabeth Granger</a></p>

This kitchen maximizes every inch of storage space possible, which is a winning solution for larger households.

Read Next: 63 Kitchen Cabinet Ideas For a Stunning Kitchen

Read the original article on The Spruce.