37 Horrible Employers And Bosses That Should Honestly Just Fire Themselves At This Point

Working in today's society has gotten particularly bad, and it's become more and more clear that many employers don't care about the livelihood of their employees. People are encouraged to give their all to jobs, but when it comes down to it, employers don't seem to give even a fraction of that back.


In case you're wondering what I mean, here are 37 horrible things employers are doing right now that make it a real hard time to be a worker.

1. This employer said employees would be fired if they made a single negative comment.

2. This employer wanted their employee to come in even though their house was likely on fire.

3. This employer told an employee with a life-threatening illness to "snap out of this" and stop "feeling sorry for yourself."

4. This employer let an employee with COVID come in.

5. This boss wanted an employee to come in, even though they were contagious, because they were in a "tight spot."

6. This employer not only wanted you to come in sick, but said that being sick didn't give you the right to work less hard.

7. This EMS had their health insurance canceled right after telling their boss they needed to go see a doctor and dentist.

8. This boss wanted their employee to risk jail time to come into work.

9. This employer told servers to put some makeup on because it "looks like you just crawled out of bed and came to work."

10. This boss was going to perform a "smell check" to make sure you were actually pooping and not on your phone during a long bathroom break.

11. And this boss said employees had to clock out to go to the bathroom.

12. This employer decided that because the mask mandate was over, they would literally not allow their employees to wear masks.

13. This boss was...well, a little less than understanding about their employee's FRIEND DYING.

14. This company wanted their employees to take PTO if they were affected by floods.

15. This employer (allegedly Target) took away paternity leave because their child died.

16. This employer had a veteran come in for a 16-hour day on MEMORIAL DAY, then asked them to come back nine hours later — almost four hours of which they'd spend commuting.

17. This employer put up this "inspiring" quote for employees.

18. And this boss posted a nice friendly reminder.

19. This boss wanted an exact list of everything you did in a day, down to the time it took to complete each task.

20. This boss shared this truly awful post on social media.

21. This boss wanted you to argue why you should have time off that you are legally entitled to and have earned.

22. This employer offered a free work-from-home day as if it were a gift and not something they should already offer.

23. This boss required employees to wash their hands often to stop the spread of COVID, and then the water from their sink looked like this.

24. This boss started charging THEIR EMPLOYEES for free water from the sink.

25. This person was chastised for missing work because they had both strep and bronchitis — and possibly COVID.

26. Employers even treat prospective employees horribly. This person went through with an interview and then was told the employer had no intention of hiring them from the start.

27. This person got fired for sharing a silly meme.

28. This former employer kept asking for a shoutout for absolutely nothing in return.

29. This employer was using cameras to spy on staff.

30. This boss denied an employer a one-day unpaid medical leave that they requested a month in advance. This was their FIRST TIME asking for time off.

31. This boss reprimanded their employee for quitting despite continuing to schedule them with an abusive coworker.

32. This employer wanted to dock pay because an employee was sick and worked from home.

33. This boss blamed an employee for not having transportation after their car was totaled while working.

34. This manager called an employee a "snowflake" for not wanting managers to cuss them out.

35. This employer blocked their employee from asking for their final paycheck.

36. This job wanted you in from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. — and wanted you to work weekends.

37. And finally, this boss came into work with COVID, then a few days later, one of their pregnant employees got it and had a miscarriage.

What's the worst thing your employer has ever done or said to you? Let us know in the comments below.