37 Tweets About Food That Went Viral Because They're That Funny

1.Behold, the most relatable tweet on the internet:

2.This one is pretty damn relatable too:

3.Don't you hate (er, love) it when this happens?

4."Have kids," they said. "It'll be fun," they said...:

5.Here's hoping he didn't order a wet burrito:

6.That must've been one helluva a burrito:

7.I want to know the answer to this too:

8.Having lived through the '80s, I can confirm this:

9.I love sushi so I'm just gonna nod along to this one:

10.Hummus...we thank you:

11.Dreams do come true, folks:

12.Bold food opinion #1:

13.Bold food opinion #2:

14.Bold food opinion #3

15.And bold food opinion #4:

16.I once saw a vending machine in Texas that dispensed nothing but full-sized pecan pies, but this is just as unforgettable:

17.LOL, it was a different time:

18.Can we get this idea onto a ballot somewhere and passed into law?

19.Speaking of premeal bread:

20.Well played, genie:

21.Sometimes, mistakes are made in the kitchen, exhibit A:

22.Exhibit B:

23.And exhibit C:

24.It's sort of like when 5-year-olds ask for "peanuts":

25.I'm team tomato, but...:

26.I'm also team pineapple:

27.OK, yuck it up, but have you melted it on a burger?

28.If you eat your steak well done, you might want to skip this one:

29.Now there is an idea:

30.No lies detected:

31.They're definitely not ok:

32.Sorry, dad:

33.There is too much truth in this one:

34.In fairness, these are never easy to fit in the fridge:

35.Reporting for duty, sir:

36.Enough has definitely been said, Lana:

37.And lastly, I agree with this tweet 100,000,000%: