35 Childhood Things That '80s Kid Could Totally Never Forget, Even If They Tried

1.The absolute joy you got watching Muppet Babies (even if it was just a rerun):

Muppet Babies watching a tv made of a cardboard box
Henson Associates

2.And the pure bliss and excitement you got at just hearing the theme song for it:

3.Yet always wondering what the hell Nanny looked like:

Screenshot of Nanny's green striped socks
Henson/ Disney

4.That nobody could convince you that Kenner's Family Tree House wasn't part of the Fisher-Price's Little People collection. And just how much fun you had playing with it:

Tree house play set

5. Being excited whenever you'd put one of these capsules in water — and also how gross they smelled (like a funky sponge):

6.Having these McDonald's glasses...

six different glasses featuring mcdonald's characters on them
popculturemaina/ etsy.com

...and Burger King Return of the Jedi glasses as your go-to juice or milk glass — even as the paint on them faded:

for different return of the jedi glasses
The Local11/ etsy.com

7. Having one of these country goose cookie jars in your family's kitchen, which usually had matching glasses, dish towels, and plates:

8.Wanting a waterbed because they were the coolest thing ever. Also, they were the funnest things to jump on:

A person adding water to a waterbed mattress
Anela / Getty Images/iStockphoto

9.The huge confusion over there being two cartoons called Ghostbusters — it just did not make sense in your mind:

The Real Ghostbusters
Columbia Pictures / ©Columbia Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection, Filmation Associates / Filmation Associates/courtesy Everett Collection

But, of course, knowing The Real Ghostbusters was the superior one 'cause it was the one based on the movie. Plus, it even had the theme song for the intro:

10.Walking to the Ghostbusters' theme song and Michael Jackson's "Thriller" during your elementary school's Halloween parade:

  Lyn Alweis / Denver Post via Getty Images
Lyn Alweis / Denver Post via Getty Images

11.That just looking at the cover of a Mead Académie Sketch Pad inspired you to want to draw:

Sketch pad featuring a sketch of a hand holding a pencil on the cover

12. Begging your parents to get you one of these fiber optic flashlights and then never playing with it again:

13.Wanting a My Buddy and/or Kid Sister...

Screenshot of My Buddy and Kid Sister dolls
Jeremy Noel/ youtube.com

...because the commercial (mainly the infectious jingle for it) sold it to you!!!

14.That 75% of the fun of playing with Colorforms was sniffing them:

Wuzzles colorforms
LucysArtEmporium/ etsy.com

15.How traumatized you were by that episode of Punky Brewster where Cherie almost died after being locked in the abandoned fridge:

Cherie being discovered passed out in an old fridge in the backyard

16.And how traumatized you were from the scene where Artax died in Swamp of Sadness in The NeverEnding Story:

atreyu crying trying to save artax from drowning
Warner Bros.

17.How the illustrations from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark were actually more frighting than the stories. Okay, yes the stories were very creepy too, FTR:

Cover for Scary Stories to tell in the dark
Harper Collins

18. Having a collection Disney Read-Along Storybook and cassette books, which you'd sometimes play just for the songs they included in them:

19.Loving your Popple, but always having an absolute struggle it was to get it back into its ball shape:

Pink Popple

20.That every kid owned these rainbow flip-flops — that were also super painful, since the nylon on the straps would rub against your toes:

Rainbow flip-flops

21.And that everyone either owned or knew someone that owned a Rainbow Brite doll that ended up covered in crayon marks and with the yarn hair all undone:

rainbow brite doll sitting down
Tooly Treasures/ etsy.com

22. Being very tempted to eat Crest Sparke because it tasted like minty candy. Oh so, so sweet:

23.Wanting a Clapper because it felt so futuristic...

1980s Clapper box

...and because of the commercial for it:

24. How these really did taste like the soda except way sweeter. Plus they left you so thirsty after you chewed a piece:

25.Collecting shiny Sandylion stickers that you'd get from a craft store or stationary shop:

A stack of stickers in a pile
stickwithmegifts/ etsy.com

And of course, displaying your collection in sticker books:

four different sticker books on a table
LantsticFinds/ etsy.com

26.How gross the stickers you had to lick tasted in Sticker Fun books. Also, how they dried all wrinkly and never stuck right in the book:

my pet monster sticker book
RetroPaperFactory/ etsy.com

27. How these Coco-Cola cups that left a waxy taste to your Coke (or at least in your mind it did):

28.Getting hungry every time you watched a Time for Timer PSA:

29.How you thought the car couch from My Two Dads was the coolest thing you ever saw and you wanted one badly:

my two dads cast sitting on purple car couch
Nbc / NBCUniversal via Getty Images

30.Loving the theme song to Cheers, but find the show boring:

31. Always being a little freaked out by the tree with the face inside (or sometimes was outside in its PlayPlace) of McDonald's:

32.Being scared of burning yourself whenever you played on a metal jungle gyms on hot days:

old metal jungle gym

jungle gym

Oasis2me / Getty Images/iStockphoto

33. Playing with those sliding puzzles and eventually getting frustrated with it and just pulling out all the pieces and putting them back together correctly:

34.The absolute disappointment you felt anytime you made shaved ice with the Snoopy Sno Cone Maker and only ended up with a slushy mess:

Shot of Snoopy Sno-Cones maker

35.And lastly, not being able to fight the urge to yell out, "I learned it by watching you!," whenever the "Like Father, Like Son" anti-drug PSA came on: