35 Hilariously Unlucky Parents Who Deserve A Break But Ain't Getting It

1.The parents of this kid who somehow got her hand stuck — like STUCK, STUCK — in a toilet:

"They had to call the fire department"
u/BVIRALofficial / Via reddit.com

2.The parent of this kid who casually said, "I think something bit my ear":

A child with a swollen ear
u/bkulaga99 / Via reddit.com

3.And the dad who play fought with his kid, then tripped and knocked over the grill:

A dad falling over a grill
u/WutUtalkingBoutWil / Via reddit.com

4.The parent who — after falling asleep on the couch — had their sneaky kid use their finger to sign up for THIS app:

"Touch ID to Subscribe"
u/thenewyorkgod / Via reddit.com

5.The parent whose kid swung on the gate ONE TIME:

A broken gate
u/Im_not_batman_you_R / Via reddit.com

6.And the dad who fell while carrying his baby and scraped his leg...which then got INFECTED:

An infected cut on someone's foot
u/superhackerxx / Via reddit.com

7.The parent who thought it'd be fun to take their kid to see their childhood home, and then drove up to see this:

A demolished house
u/gjawhar / Via buzzfeed.com

8.The mom whose kid flew their drone into her hair:

A drone stuck in someone's hair
u/Cichlidsaremyjam / Via reddit.com

9. And the parent who THOUGHT they'd completed everything they needed to for an overseas trip until...:

Twitter: @amy_may

10.The parent who — gag — found their daughter's hairbrush hanging in the shower looking like this:

A brush completely covered in hair
u/maddogcas2383 / Via reddit.com

11.The parents who have to burn the whole house down like Michael Myers is trapped inside:

A messed up door
u/bsurfn2day / Via reddit.com

12.And the parents who — after heavy rain — discovered their chimney's coal dust leaking all over their home and kid's toys:

Black liquid all over the floor
u/Golden_Wolf_TR / Via reddit.com

13.The parent who ordered their kid new shoes and — big sigh — they came like this:

Shoes with the store security tags still on them
u/crankyrhino · / Via reddit.com

14.The mortified parent of a toddler who ran in front of this cart, forcing the supermarket worker to hit the brakes and send all of these expensive eggs crashing to the floor:

Broken eggs
u/JesseWegenast / Via reddit.com

15.And the parent who was excited to take their daughter fishing, but had it end after 15 minutes when...:

A fishing hook in someone's arm
u/robrit00 / Via reddit.com

16.The parent who was looking forward to enjoying this ice cream, then discovered their kid had eaten it, filled the carton with water, and froze it as a prank:

Frozen water in an ice cream jug
u/Treehead726 / Via reddit.com

17.The parent who tried to make their kid a can of Chef Boyardee...which inexplicably came with no beef:

Chef Boyardee with no meat
u/_seylin / Via reddit.com

18.And the parents whose front yard was destroyed by wild boars...and I guess I have a new thing to worry about:

A destroyed lawn
u/Nyathra / Via reddit.com

19. The mom whose kid was a little too enthusiastic about the prospect of her kicking the bucket:

Twitter: @meena

20.The mom who broke her tooth on a rogue bone in this sandwich:

Broken teeth
u/Educational_Ad1123 / Via reddit.com

21.And the parent who bought a bag of churros to surprise their kids with...and then had this happen:

Spilled churros
u/deserving_porcupine / Via reddit.com

22.The dad of this very large family whose sink just couldn't take it anymore:

A broken sink
u/olobley / Via reddit.com

23.The parent whose kid read 50 books for their elementary school's reading challenge, and then received this "reward":

A pencil
u/5toofus / Via reddit.com

24.And the (doggie) parent who came upon this scene:

Dog poop all over the floor
u/Outa_Time_86 · / Via reddit.com

25.The dad of a little one who said "Here Papa” and put these in his pocket...leaving one of their furniture pieces dangerously unstable:

Furniture pegs
u/Myomyw / Via reddit.com

26.The parent whose kids gifted them this jumbo container of pretzels for their birthday, and then — before they'd even eaten a single pretzel — found it like this:

Pretzels in a jar
u/BreakfastBeerz / Via reddit.com

27. And the dad who thought his kids were complimenting his cooking, and then found out he was very wrong:

Twitter: @dadmann_walking

28.The parent who wanted to surprise their kid with a PlayStation 5...and then opened it to discover this:

A brick where a PlayStation should be
u/deleted / Via reddit.com

29.The parent who spent $500 to take their kid to see Frozen on Broadway, and ended up seated behind this 6'8" man:

A tall man blocking someone's view
u/MaudeDib / Via reddit.com

30.And the parent of the kids who got into a fight and hurled the Switch controller into the flatscreen TV:

A broken TV
u/cravenight / Via reddit.com

31.The parent who didn't want to let their stepson borrow their car, then reluctantly relented, and, well:

A crashed car
u/LowerBoomBoom / Via reddit.com

32.And the dad who crashed into a deer, wrecking the car on a day he really needed it — his wife's due date:

A crashed car
u/wellwhatishername / Via reddit.com

33.The mom whose kid did this to her new glasses five minutes after they arrived:

Broken glasses
u/JBulllyy / Via reddit.com

34.The mom who prepared this impressive spread for her son's toddler group...and then had 7/8 of the invited moms cancel half an hour before it was supposed to start:

A spread of food and drinks for a party
u/reCCCCtoo / Via reddit.com

35.And the parents who bought this expensive pan...and then their kid burned the hell out of some rice in it:

Burned rice in the bottom of a pan
u/SkepticDrinker / Via reddit.com

HT: r/wellthatsucks