33 Products To Help You Take Advantage Of Every Bit Of Storage Space In Your Home

1.A metal desk organizer that'll not only give your monitor a little extra height (your neck and back will thank you later), but also provide some storage space underneath for all your WFH accessories.

review photo showing laptop organizer

2.An over-the-door holder for your iron and ironing board because, uhhh, where else are you gonna put 'em!?

reviewer photo showing their ironing board and iron perfectly stored on the over-door organizer

3.A 24-pocket shoe organizer you can use for a heckuva lot more than shoes! Basically, whatever room you need more storage in, add this to the door.

reviewer photo showing the shoe organizer filled with snacks

4.A macrame produce hammock that'll add some aesthetic value to your kitchen AND actually save you a ton of space on your countertops. I'd say this is one ~low hanging fruit~ of a purchase.

KnappsKnots / Via Etsy

Knapps Knots is a San Diego-based small business owned by Anastasia Knapp who is quite possibly making the cutest macrame and wood crafts you've ever seen.

Promising review: "Absolutely loved it! Perfect if you have little counter space." —Jessi

Get it from KnappsKnots on Etsy for $27.90+ (available in two sizes and 11 colors).

5.A genius closet organizer perfect for keeping all your T-shirts neat and easily accessible. Now you can finally see all those concert tees you've collected over the years and actually start wearing them — rather than grabbing the same one over and over again.

two photos of the closet organizer being used to neatly organize t-shirts

6.An outlet shelf to free up counter space on your bathroom vanity and finally give your electric toothbrush a home of its own.

reviewer pic of outlet shelf with two electric toothbrushes stored on the shelf

7.A sock and underwear organizer that is just oh-so-satisfying to look at and was literally designed to maximum space in your dresser.

reviewer showing their drawer with the organizers in it

8.A set of vacuum storage bags so you can justify *not* throwing anything away, because these'll create so much additional room in your closet.

reviewer photo showing their storage bags before vacuuming the air out

9.A silverware sorter that fits a full 24-piece cutlery set but takes up HALF the space of a traditional organizer, freeing up so much extra storage in a drawer you never thought you could get back.

reviewer photo showing the silverware organizer along with several other kitchen utensils in the drawer

10.A shower curtain liner with built-in mesh pockets for anyone whose shower has too many shampoos trying to live in one habitat.

reviewer photo showing the shower curtain with bath products in the pockets

11.A set of closet cascaders – it can store the same amount of clothes, but take up about half the space as just using the rack in your closet.

reviewer showing all their plastic hangers taking up space on their clothes rack

12.A broom and mop organizer you can put on an empty wall to free up some space in your cleaning closet (and prevent everything from falling on you when you open your cleaning closet). 🧹🙃

reviewer photo showing the organizer with a broom, Swiffer, and even a drill attached to it

13.Or, a pack of individual broom holders that'll allow you to make a more custom storage arrangement.

reviewer photo showing the individual clips arranged on a wall to hold a brom, Swiffer, duster and tire pump

14.An under-cabinet drawer with a shelf on top because, again, vertical space is our best friend.

A reviewer pulls out their drawer to reveal three sponges, four magic erasers, two handheld scrub brushes, one dish brush, four folded dish cloths, and a folded drying pad all neatly arranged

15.A towel holder you can mount on your bathroom wall or even behind the door. It'll def make your bathroom feel a bit more luxurious, too.

reviewer photo of towel rack

16.A toilet paper stocker disguised as a chic little table that'll fit perfectly next to your porcelain throne.

reviewer photo showing toilet paper stocker in their bathroom with a candle on it

17.A set of glass spice jars that are *magnetic* so you can stick them on the side of your fridge, rather than using up an entire kitchen drawer or shelf.

Reviewer pic of a number of glass spice jars stuck to the side of a fridge

18.A cabinet door organizer so your awkwardly shaped plastic wrap and cutting boards won't get lost in the dark depths of your cupboards.

Reviewer with plastic wrap, tinfoil, and similar boxes inside organizer

19.A genius cap organizer you can simply wrap around a hanger or clothes rack to perfectly organize all your baseball hats, beanies, scarves, and headbands.

reviewer photo showing hat organizer

20.Some under-bed storage containers to tidily pack away all your out-of-season clothing.

reviewer photo showing the underbed storage container neatly packed with sweaters and sweatshirts

21.A bakeware rack you can use for a whole lot more than sheet trays and cupcake pans. You know the dilemma you face when you wanna stack your pots and pans neatly, but then you have no where to put their lids? This 👏 is 👏 your 👏 solution.

reviewer photo showing lids to pots and pans neatly organized in the bakeware rack

22.A four-tier storage shelf designed to fit right above your toilet. Now, you'll actually have a place to store extra towels and TP (which means you won't have to scream for your roommates or little sister when, you know, either of those things aren't available).

reviewer photo showing over-toilet storage shelf with several products and candles on it

23.A jewelry cabinet discreetly disguised as a mirror you can hang on a wall or over a door. It'll make putting your jewelry away less of a chore, as well as free up space on your dresser, where a big ball of tangled necklaces once lived.

reviewer photo showing the jewelry organizer with mirror door closed

24.A storage ottoman that'll be super convenient for quickly shoving random things in when you want your house cleaned up, but have about .01% energy to actually do so.

gray ottoman at the foot of a bed

Get it from Amazon for $40.99+ (available in three colors).


25.And these food storage containers with air-tight lids that are great for storing all your dry goods AND making your pantry look Pinterest perfect.

reviewer showing their cupboards completely overflowing with boxes and bags of dry goods

26.Some shelf dividers to prevent stacks of clothing or towels from toppling over every time you need to grab a fresh one.

reviewer photo showing shelf dividers used to separate stacks of towels in their linen closet

27.A bedside caddy so your remotes, iPad, books, what-have-you, are always within arms reach (rather than lost somewhere in your sheets).

reviewer photo showing bedside caddy with remotes and a book in it

28.Or these floating shelves, so you can justify your expansive library of books (many of which you haven't picked up in years but are adamant about keeping). They're also a practical way to decorate an empty wall!

reviewer photo showing a stack of floating book shelves filled with several books

29.A foldable closet organizer that'll expand and contract as your needs change. Think extra linens, out-of-season clothing, or even things like toys and decorations.

reviewer photo showing foldable storage bags filled with clothing and labeled on top shelf of their closet

30.A hanger stacker that'll probably make you ask, "Why didn't I think of that?" Now you can say buh-bye to that bin of mismatched hangers you have hiding in the back of your closet. 👋

Reviewer's before picture of a messy pile of hangers

31.A Rubbermaid Fast Track you can use to create a completely custom organization system, wherever you might need it. All you have to do is mount the track along a wall, and use as many hooks and/or basket attachments you need to fit all your stuff — your garage or basement is BEGGING you for this!!

reviewer photo showing their garage completely organized with everything on their wall hanging from the track rails, including beach chairs, golf clubs, kids' toys, etc.

32.A simple shelving unit that offers up a myriad of uses. Maybe you need some extra room in your tiny kitchen, or simply wanna give your plant babies a proper home — it can truly do it all.

reviewer photo showing shelf used in their kitchen with microwave and food stored on it

33.A handmade towel ladder to not only give ya a place to store your towels, but is also an easy way to decorate that blank wall in your bathroom.

leather and wooden latter hung on wall in bathroom

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The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.
