33 Parent Fails That Hurt In The Most Hysterical Way Imaginable

There's no doubt about it — parenting has some great days, and some seriously hysterical bad ones.


Well, these hilariously embarrassing parenting fails left us cracking up, while making us feel seen at the same time:

1.This mom, who accidentally mixed up her condiments and her skin protectant:

2.This mom, who was trying to make macaroni and spilled it all in the sink:

3.This dad, who forgot he was drying the baby bottles and sippy cups in the oven, then he preheated it to 450 degrees:

4.This mom, who turned on the wrong burner on the stove, and accidentally did this:

5.This dad, who thought he could microwave his kid's damp shirt to dry it, and then this happened:

6.This mom, who gave her kid an at-home haircut, and it didn't turn out quite as she expected:

7.This mom, who thought she was ordering just a bit of ginger, but she actually ordered a whole freakin' tree of it:

8.This dad, who made his kid some oatmeal, and then straight-up dropped it:

9.This mom, who emailed all of her kids' teachers and principals...before realizing her husband had changed her contact info to this:

10.And this dad, whose kid had a very honest opinion about the dinner he cooked:

11.This mom, who spilled her kid's slime on her phone:

12.This dad, who got spit up on by his baby right where it counts:

13.This mom, who tried to make pancakes for her kids and they came out like this:

14.This mom, who tried to help dye her kid's hair with temporary hair dye, and then she couldn't get it to wash off her hands:

15.This parent, who tried to dry their kid's wet shoe over a campfire and got a little too close:

16.This mom, who tried to make a baby bottle while driving, and this happened:

17.This mom, who bought football shaped pasta for her kids, then after she cooked it, she discovered that the trophies looked more like this:

18.This dad, who accidentally brought his kid home with two different boots on...neither of which were hers:

19.This mom, whose kid didn't choose their words very carefully:

20.This mom, who tried her hand at making french bread pizza, and it turned out like this:

21.And this dad, who turned around for just a few moments, only to discover that his one of his kids gave his other kid a "haircut" while he wasn't looking:

photo of kids with hair all over the floor
lemur421 / Via Instagram: @lemur421

22.This mom, who asked her kid to put away the tomato sauce, and then this happened:

photo of tomato sauce splattered all over the fridge
lisasiladyi / Via instagram.com

23.This mom, who tried to make her daughter a birthday cake, and, well:

24.This dad, who accidentally grated a stick of butter instead of the cheese he meant to grate:

25.This mom, who tried to wrap her kid's foosball table for the holidays and could only come up with this:

26.This mom, who treated her child to an at-home spa day and cut the cucumbers like this:

27.This mom, whose kid's mispronunciation was hilariously mortifying:

28.This dad, who isn't exactly an expert in putting cloth diapers on a baby:

29.This dad, who was cracking eggs for breakfast, and one slipped out before he could get it to the pan:

30.This mom, whose cookies turned out, well, not like cookies at all:

31.This dad, who thought his kid's diaper cover was a knit cap:

photo of kid wearing a diaper cover on their head
theprodaddy / Via instagram.com

32.This dad, who set up the video baby monitor only to realize later that the baby wasn't even in view:

33.And this dad, whose mistake will live hilariously for lifetimes to come:

Hang in there, parents! You're awesome!
