33+ Inches Of Snow Allows Utah Resort To Open New Terrain

Brighton Resort, Utah, has seen 40+ inches of fresh snow in the last week.

And with fresh snow comes every skier's favorite development: the opening of additional terrain.

Yesterday, Brighton announced that the Snake Creek lift was open for business, sharing a POV video of a skier getting the goods.

As of today, eight of Brighton's 65 runs are open. Forty-nine inches of snow have fallen at the resort this season.

It's a wonderful pivot for the Utah resort. Like other ski areas in the region, Brighton was off to a slow start earlier this month. Then, as if often the case around Salt Lake City, the snow started falling in a serious way.

While resorts in the Cottonwood Canyons haven't yet reached full operating capacity—does anyone know when Mineral Basin's opening?—the odds of gate-to-gate service becoming available in the Canyons later this month are looking good.

The same can't be said for our Pacific Northwest and Sierra friends. While a recent storm hammered Washington and Oregon, Mother Nature followed the fresh snow with a heaping helping of rain, forcing several Washington resorts to pause winter operations. In contrast, the East is happily trucking along after several snowy resets.

And that, as you already know, is how it goes. Mother Nature is notoriously fickle, dishing out winners and losers season after season. However, it seems that The Cottonwoods fall in the former category more often than not—time to book some flights?

Related: Utah Ski Resorts Pummeled With Feet Of Snow

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