Dating Has Become A Literal Cesspool, And These 32 Awful People Prove It

1.Getting dumped via group chat has got to be a new low.

  u/BlackberryPlenty5002 / Via
u/BlackberryPlenty5002 / Via

2.I'm willing to bet this guy sleeps on a mattress on the floor.

a very dirty living room with trash everywhere
u/BrewNerdBrad / Via

3.This is reminding me of the guy who insisted on paying for my (one) drink, then asked me to Venmo him for it after I told him over text that I wasn't interested in a second date.

after the date the date texts and says, ok i'll take you up on your offer to split the bill can you venmo me $50 and the other person says, that offer expired after we left the restaurant
u/Ancient_Source2236 / Via

4."What did I do to you for that" is actually sending me rn.

i can't believe someone as creepy as you isn't a convicted sex offender
u/stoutyboy / Via

5.It's giving mess.

we're only engaged in mexico not in the U.S
u/49ersfangirl420 / Via

6.This 27-year-old decided to tease a 22-year-old she'd matched with and got a response I can almost guarantee she was not expecting.

she says, you're still a baby and he says, breast feed me then
u/ccharming / Via

7.This guy just shot himself in the foot, but at least the woman dodged a bullet.

if you knew i had 10 million in the bank you wouldn't be sitting there ignoring shit that's why people are single
u/zenmondo / Via

8.This guy also did the woman a favor by accidentally sending her a text meant for his GF — that she didn't know he had.

he texts, finally meeting up with the guys, babe enjoy studying
u/Th3Ph1l0s0ph3r / Via

9.This one is giving "acquaintance from high school pretending to want to catch up but really only wanting to talk about their MLM."

person says they're not compatible but sends them a link to their only fans

10.This one just made me sad.

i don't like your piercing that shit made me find you so unattractive
u/Kalips54 / Via

11.This feels like something that would 100% happen to me and I'm 28.

person says they were 31 when they agreed to go 6 weeks without talking to her boyfriend and after six weeks he said the breakup was still on
u/valejojohnson / Via

12.Side note, but my biggest pet peeve is "I could care less." If you COULD care less, that means you DO care. It's "couldn't care less." (Is this why I'm single?)

person saying they need person's measurements sent, a photo with their name and a video chat so they're not being cat fished
u/BackgroundContract77 / Via

13.People are just expecting the most these days. What's wrong with ice cream?

person says they don't do ice cream dates since it seems like the bare minimum

14.And this is just wild. In this economy???

before you go on a date with me know that you must give me $50 for gas, $100 for my toes, $75 for a baby sittier and so on
u/Sylveon72_06 / Via

15.And then it feels like no one is putting any effort in in return.

person keeps adding to why they're late and finally says they're just not gonna show up
u/Chanclaphobia / Via

16.The bar is on the floor.

person says they can text and not use snapchat because their finance has their password
u/jelaur_610 / Via

17.Even after you're fully in a relationship, you're still dealing with this crap.

person asks if they are the asshole for not deleting their dating apps while in a relationship

18.At least this woman was clear about her dealbreaker.

they say, oh noooo an android?
u/Ill_Raspberry9207 / Via

19.As was this woman.

a very long list of dealbreakers that include not being a dog person, being democrat, no higher education, and no foodies
u/koala_gamr / Via

20.Why would this woman even message this guy then?

woman asks person why they included their height if they're not that tall and then says they're not tall enough
u/MonsterJuiced / Via

21.Like, why even engage???

person calling someone out for liking their profile on every app and then declining
u/lilazndevilx / Via

22.There's no reason to be cruel.

person says, accidental swipe, too old and fat, sorry - also cute that you're undiecided on kids at your age

23.Like, what's the point?

someone saying they matched with the person again just to remind them they're still a fatty
u/Iwassah / Via

24.Imagine getting a like and you go to check out the person's profile and it's THIS monstrosity.

"now let me tell you what men really want"
u/LashOfTheBull / Via

25.I don't know where this person learned it was okay to bring two friends on a date — then expect your date to pay for them.

i went on a date and he paid for himself alone because i brought two of my friends, some men are so heartless
u/Piccolo-Sufficient / Via

26.I can't believe this guy thought this opener was a good idea.

you sexy as fuck for a schizophrenic
u/DayJohn383 / Via

27.The number one thing I wish people on dating apps would understand (well, besides, like, basic consent and non-creepiness) is that sometimes people have lives.

person keeps sending messages an hour apart because the other person hasn't responded yet
u/jbee8 / Via

28.And also, people on apps don't owe you anything.

tell me why you're better than the other potential candidates on here

29.The whole height thing is so out of control as it is, but this example is particularly egregious. In what world is 6'1" short?

person says 6'1 is too short
u/Neanderthal_Nutcase / Via

30.Why even go to this trouble? Just say you're not interested.

someone gives the other person the address to the police department as their own
u/mweezy2010 / Via

31.This was all after a guy — who this woman had known for a couple days — lost reception for a bit.

person keeps sending messages to tell the other person they will be blocked and the other person hasn't even responded to anything
u/stojanovski1995 / Via

32.And finally, let's end on a guy who was at least honest.

i know where the clitoris is i just dont care
u/popularfiction / Via