32 Hysterically Embarrassing Wrong Number Fails That Will Make You Practically Pee Your Pants Laughing

We all know that getting a wrong number text is an absolutely exhilarating experience. But how to respond? With calm, eloquent grace? Like a totally normal human being? Noooo way. Feast your eyes on some of the best wrong number text responses I've ever seen:

1.The weekend-plans text:

What are your plans for today? To block this number

2.The Tesla text:

Photo of car with exchange: The Prius just had a baby! We named her Tesla! That's a dumb name for a baby

3.The challenge text:

Trevor asks Colleen if they're still up for the challenge and shows a cow standing in a small pool, and the response is "What in the hell happened here"

4.The Mica text:

Text from "Mica" ends up being the wrong number, and after Mica apologizes, person says "No apology necessary; it's best that we don't talk because I don't trust people named after phyllosilicate minerals"

5.The apartment-renting text:

Person texts about basement or loft space to rent and coming to see it, and person responds that they have a "possum situation" and the possums have outsmarted them and they think they may have been enhanced by chemicals from a nearby factory

6.The baby-nephew text:

Person asks Sophia to send photo of baby nephew, and person responds that they think there's something wrong with Brendan and attached a photo of a bald man baby wielding scissors

7.The bathroom text:

Person texts photos of their sort of scary, complicated basement bathroom being built

8.The horse-names text:

Person asks Doug for the name of the new horse baby, and someone else responds that they aren't Doug, but the names are Maple Stirrup, Usain Colt and Al Capony

9.The true-tragedy text:

Person gets a wrong number text to "Mom" saying their phone fell in the toilet and they're using the cashier's phone at the store, they had to buy a new sim

10.The Cara text:

Person asks repeatedly if they're texting Cara, and the first two times they're told no, but "maybe a third time and it will change," and the third time the person says "This is Cara now"

11.The Heisenberg text:

Person asks if they're "David," and person responds no, "My name is Walter Hartwell White" in Albuquerque, and attaches a photo of Walter White from Breaking Bad

12.The Danny DeVito text:

Person responds with a photo of Danny DeVito to any wrong-number text

13.The TMI text:

Text saying thanks for the smaller Durex condoms, but they're still too big

14.The cycling text:

Person tells "Angela from the Soul Cycle class" she has some nerve contacting her, and don't reach out agai n or she'll send Angela's husband all of "those photos"

15.The wine text:

Wrong number text: Chrissie, will my wine be delivered tomorrow? "No, I drank it all, sorry"

16.The factory text:

"Carl" is mistaken for "Carlos" and says the factory they asked about is "destitute, the walls are caving in, and morale is crumbling, and the rats are taking over"

17.The spaghetti text:

Wrong number text of someone telling Bubba where the spaghetti is

18.The guy text:

Hey this is the one with the guy u just talked to; response: Jokes on you I haven't talked to any guys

19.The dump truck text:

Person asks if they still have the dump truck, and person responds with a picture of a huge dump truck and "just this one"

20.The goat cheese text:

Wrong number text of someone going to the store and the other person asks for goat cheese

21.The "Do Not Disturb" text:

Person sends text saying "long time no see" and gets a blow-up toy in response and says "sorry, hope I didn't disturb you"

22.The scandalous text:

Text saying husband is gone for 10 hours and come on over, and then says "sorry to make you a party to our adulterous messages"

23.The Demi text:

Wrong number text asks about necklace left at their house and gets a photo of Demi Lovato smiling, and they respond with "Nice to meet you, have a nice day"

24.The Kevin text:

Text asks Kevin if he's forgotten her, and person responds with "Yes I forgot everything! Someone hit me on the head with a baseball hat and I lost all memories; thank you for telling me my name is Kevin!"

25.The horse farm text:

Text with a photo of two horses in a barn asks, "Coach, I'm already at the horse farm; how long will it take you to arrive?"

26.The hallway text:

Wrong number text of someone threatening to poop on someone's doorstep even after they said they live in a a house, because they think they pooped in the apartment building hallway

27.The TV text:

Wrong number text asking how soon they can come out to mount their TV, and the person says to just use glue, but be careful

28.The party prep text:

Wrong number text asks how party prep for next week is going, and person says they've had enough and they're liquefying their money and moving to Italy

29.The beautiful-nickname text:

"Hey buttsniffer I kinda need to know if you're gonna come to my graduation because I only have 8 reserved"

30.The scary text:

Wrong number text saying "Did u do the autopsy yet"

31.The Papa Gary text:

Wrong number text from someone named Papa Gary wishing his granddaughter a wonderful day and saying he loves her, and person responds saying it's the wrong number but they love Papa Gary too and hope he has a wonderful day too

32.And the EGG text:

Wrong number text: "Grab a egg"