32 Brides And Grooms Who Took Tacky To A Whooooole New Level

1.This couple had their child wear this weird, misogynistic sign while walking down the aisle at their wedding.

"Last chance to run, daddy. Here comes...mummy"

2.This couple themed their wedding hashtags around 9/11.


3.This bride thought it'd be funny to have her mom wear a dildo while walking her daughter down the aisle(???).

"So my mom and step mom will be walking me down the aisle..."

4.This couple not only had the groom wear a literal ball and chain, but the bride also kissed every single male guest at the wedding.

"I went to a wedding that had a ball and chain."

5.This couple somehow thought this wedding cake topper was charming.

A wedding cake topper of a bride pulling her groom from a game of "Fortnite"

6.Why is this such a thing?

A cake topper with a groom running away

7.I'm not making this up. There's a million cake toppers like this.

A cake topper where a groom is being held captive by the bride

8.This groom thought it'd be funny to write the word "help" on his shoes during the ceremony.

A groom's shoes saying "help"

9.This sign was just distasteful.

"Men to the left because women are always right!"

10.Though this one — outside a small tent for the bride and groom — managed to be far, far, far worse.

"If the tent's a rockin, don't come a knockin!"

11.And this sign was just majorly insensitive.

"Brides Lives Matter"

12.This decor was pretty shitty (see what I did there?).

Toilet paper decorations

13.And this plan for bathrooms at a wedding was...concerning, to say the least.

  u/morning1022 / Via reddit.com

14.This "bathroom" wasn't much better — but apparently, the couple thought it was good enough to sell.

Men's outdoor bathrooms

15.This cake was just...disturbing.

Cake toppers that look like the groom killed the bride

16.This condom corsage is making me want to go back to 30 seconds ago, when I didn't know it existed.

A condom corsage

17.Shotgun shell boutonnieres are (I guess) better than condom corsages, but not by much.

"when country meets classy"

18.This couple had a Confederate flag cake.

A cake with a Confederate flag on it

19.Like, why is this a thing???

Groomsmen in the Confederate flag

20.The caption to this reads: "Went to a wedding where the ordained minister dressed up in a rabbi costume and made antisemitic jokes."

A man dressed as a rabbi

21.Literally, why would anyone think this is a good idea?

"we are having a ww2 themed wedding in a history museum"

22.This couple decided to brag about the bride's first hit as a married woman.

A bride hitting the bong

23.This wedding also apparently gave out gun-shaped soaps as favors.

signs on a wedding table

24.This bride didn't seem to care about the groom at all.

"Welcome to Becca's wedding, featuring Jack"

25.And this groom called his bride-to-be a "hoe" in his groomsmen invitations.

"Stand with me, bro, when I marry my hoe"

26.And this groom wore *this* at his bachelor party.

"Last day of freedom, I'm marrying a psychopath...save me"

27.This couple sent "invites" telling people they weren't invited, but that they should "contribute to [their] trip fund" anyways.

"Or if you'd prefer to do it the old-fashioned way"

28.These invitations were...well, not exactly formal.

"Shit you need to know"

29.This couple had some ideas for their wedding that were in reallyyyy poor taste.

"it seems hugely inappropriate to make jokes about 'stop resisting' when Black people are being killed by cops."

30.And this couple actually went through with their weird, insensitive, police-themed wedding decor.

Police-themed wedding

31.This groom tried to pay a wedding singer in bridesmaids.

"Then you should probably pay for me and not just with food and thirsty bridesmaids."

32.And finally, this couple wanted to put tombstones of their dead relatives in their Halloween-themed wedding.

"Tombs for dead relatives at Halloween wedding"