31 Hilarious Parents Who Couldn't Help But Be Their Weirdo Selves

Step right up, folks! Come one, come all! Feast your eyes upon this stupendous collection of our weirdest and most hilarity-inducing parents!

"Step right up folks"
"Step right up folks"

Rachael Kay Albers / Via giphy.com

1.First, behold a mom so cool (and, OK, a little weird) that she made her son THIS cake for his bachelor party:

A hookers and cocaine cake

2.And imagine a dad who — when his family ran out of chopsticks — used a Barbie doll to eat sushi:

A dad using a Barbie to eat sushi

3.Now, direct your attention to a mom so formidable that when she didn't want her kid playing video games, she did THIS:

A game console with locks on it

4.What wonders you will see! Like a dad who misunderstood that the costume parade at his kid's school was for kids only:

A man dressed like a dinosaur

5.And an enterprising father who sent his son THIS photo with the instruction to post it to the internet:

"Taking a big dump"

6.That's not all! We also have hilarious moms. Like this one who tried to prank her son...but he just said "Hi mom" and kept walking:

A woman dressed like an old man

7.And this mom who responded to an HOA complaint about leaves in her yard...with these verses:

A handwritten poem

8.Now, you don't want to miss this...a dad who put quite the message on his cup after he got tired of people using it:

"The owner of this cup has oral herpes."

9.Nor do you want to miss our other spectacles...like this dad who wrote out an agenda for his meetup with his buddies:

An agenda for a hangout with friends

10.Yes, my friends, you WILL laugh! Especially at the mom who sent her kid this newspaper clipping along with the note “a weather forecast that really stinks”:

"Fartly cloudy"

11.What's that? It's drama you seek? Well, you shall find it...with these hilariously supportive parents who — after their daughter's fiancé called things off — sent her this cake:

"Congrats on not marrying a douchebag!!"

12.There's also this mother whose drawing of a "rainbow" looked decidedly inappropriate:

A rainbow that looks like a penis

13.And this mother who had a message for her young son:

"If you pee on the seat I will scrub it with your toothbrush."

14.We have monstrosities, too! Like the dad who did THIS to fix his kid's broken lawnmower:

A wooden wheel on a lawnmower

15.The dad who — for reasons known only unto himself — threw a "Burning Spam Festival" in his backyard:

Spam on fire

16.And the dad who baked "cat butt" cookies for his unsuspecting children:

Cat butt cookies

17.Ladies and gentleman, for just a small price, you will see once-in-a-lifetime sights...like this diabetic mom who eats candies to raise her blood sugar, and labels them thusly:

"Mom's meds"

"Mom's meds" lol:

"Mom's meds"

18.We also have this mom who warned her children away from her candy stash with a threat of violence:

A Post-It with a gun on it taped to candy

19.And this dad who, after having eye surgery, decided there was only one place to eat:

A man eating at Long John Silvers

20.What else, pleasure seekers? Ah! You'll meet a California mom who — upon traveling to visit her son who moved back east — brought him a disassembled In-N-Out burger:

A packaged In-N-Out burger

21.A dad who did THIS upon running out of toilet paper:

Napkins on the toilet paper stand

22.A mom who — ladies and gentleman, please cover your children's eyes — found this carrot:

An oddly-shaped carrot

23.A dad who wrote a hilariously sarcastic note to get his kid out of physical education:

A note excusing a child from physical education

24.And a mom who MacGyvered a "9" candle into a "3":

A cake with candles on top

25.I promise, friends, you do not want to miss the dad who devised a logic map for handling disagreements with his wife:

A "Happy Marriage Logic Map"

26.The mom who gifted her son a yodeling pickle...for reasons known only in the darkest corners of her mortal soul:

A yodeling pickle with a note from mom

27.These parents who — upon being invited to a party where they were supposed to dress as a country — went as Greece:

A couple dressed as Danny and Sandy from "Grease"

28.The persnickety father who was so troubled by the hair his daughter left in the sink that he did THIS:

Arrows drawn on a sink pointing to hair that was left over

29.And the mom who labored on a pillow for her kid without giving one iota of thought about the size of their home:

A giant pillow on a couch

30.And we have the mom who gifted her son and daughter-in-law these unintentionally cringey wine glasses with their initials on it:

Someone holding up a wine glass

31.Lastly, the dad who — upon realizing his daughter's initials were DT and her husband's were FT — tried to get creative with a gift...but really shouldn't have:

A card that says "DTF"

A splendid time is guaranteed for all!

A man tipping his hat and pointing
A man tipping his hat and pointing


H/T: r/funny