30 Toys From Walmart If Your Kids Have Endless Energy

We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

1.A saucer swing that comes with a frame for those of us who don't have a strong tree in the backyard. This set solves the problem of finding something to swing on and has a weight limit of 440 pounds, meaning your kids — and you if the fancy hits you — will get some major play out if for a long time.

Kids play on a saucer swing on a stand
Kids play on a saucer swing on a stand

2.A Montessori-inspired wooden play structure that can be converted into whatever movement style your energetic kid needs in the moment. It converts into a climbing structure, a slide, a rocking arch, or a fun place to calm down for a bit. With a weight capacity of 220 pounds, this is a toy that will stay interesting and LAST.

Kids play on a climbing structure
Kids play on a climbing structure

3.A creative, glow-in-the-dark fort-building kit that will allow your kids to create all kinds of forts in different shapes while leaving your furniture and cushions alone. Keep them busy with a new design every day — from one room to a dome to cool crawlspaces. Just add a sheet for the ultimate fort — no matter what time of day!

Two kids set up a fort
Two kids set up a fort

4.And a large set of glow sticks for late nights running around or — my personal favorite — a glow stick bath. There is something eternally satisfying and fun with glow sticks, allowing your energy-filled kid with endless new ways to play no matter the light level.

A set of glowsticks
A set of glowsticks

5.An inflatable horse bouncer for indoor or outdoor use that will have your little one calling out a "yippee-ki-yay" so often you'll possibly stop finishing the phrase instinctively. These horses are good for kids up to 110 pounds and even come with a pump so you don't have to risk passing out when inflating yet another toy.

A kid rides an inflatable horse
A kid rides an inflatable horse

6.A set of hovering soccer balls for afternoons where the cold is unbearable — and so are the energy levels. This disk has foam around it to protect walls, baseboards, and furniture from scuffing and uses air to keep it hovering to protect floors. Plus, they light up if you want to make the game even more exciting with the lights off.

two of the hover soccer balls lit up
two of the hover soccer balls lit up

7.A foam pogo stick that will keep your high-energy kid bouncing up and down up and down up and down in the hopes that maybe they'll nap at some point. It can support up to 250 pounds in case you feel the need to get some practice in yourself — no judgment from me.

Kid bounces on a foam pogo stick
Kid bounces on a foam pogo stick

8.A scooter board allowing kids of all ages to zoom around as they see fit. Scooter boards are a classic toy with endless possibilities and have the added bonus of transporting you back to your childhood.

A child rides a scooter board
A child rides a scooter board

9.An adjustable basketball hoop that will grow with your kids from toddlerhood and into childhood. There is something so fun about basketball, even if your kiddo isn't a fan of the sport in general. Who doesn't like to run around and try to get a ball in the basket? Pure, energy-zapping joy.

child playing with the hoop
child playing with the hoop

10.A wiggle cushion that's the perfect low-movement tool to get those wiggles out! Not only can it be used on a seat for kids who have a hard time sitting still, they can stand on them for balance games or use a few for a fun obstacle course!

Child sits on a wiggle seat
Child sits on a wiggle seat

11.A wooden balance board that helps your energetic kid learn balance and stability while having some easily contained fun. Balance boards can be used while watching a show, in competitions, as a rocking board, or can be flipped over and used as a slide, tunnel, or bridge. The foam base also ensures that it's easy on your floors.

a child on the balance board holding hands with an adult
a child on the balance board holding hands with an adult

12.An epic The Floor is Lava game that will get their wiggles right out. This game is easy to follow and can be made more challenging or easier based on where they put the tiles. This game can be enjoyed inside or out, making it the perfect complement to unpredictable weather.

Kids play a floor is lava game
Kids play a floor is lava game

13.A kid-approved drifting cart to add a little more fun to outside play. If they're tried of bikes and scooters and ready for a little change, the drifter allows them to gain speed and spin to their heart's content. There's nothing quite like the kid laughter that comes with spinning around and around — no matter how old they are!

Kid rides on a drifter
Kid rides on a drifter

14.A laser tag set that will get energetic kids off the couch and running, diving, and ducking to ultimate laser tag victory. This set works well indoors or outdoors, meaning the weather is no match for this total parenting win.

Laser tag vests and guns
Laser tag vests and guns

15.A spinning and bouncing Teeter Totter bringing a little extra momentum to your average seesaw. With the ability to support 75 pounds at each end, this toy can be as gentle or as extreme as your growing kiddos need, making this a fun investment for your outdoor lineup. Reviewers love the durability and that their kiddos of various ages can use it together.

Kids playing on a bouncing seesaw
Kids playing on a bouncing seesaw

16.A mini training course for your budding American Ninja Warrior. This is an excellent set that includes more than enough obstacles so that kids of all ages — adults, too! — can partake thanks to the adjustable difficulty levels. Now if only you could find a warped wall and a buzzer.

the full training set
the full training set

17.A three-pack of walkie-talkies that make any game soooo much cooler. Not only do walkie-talkies make games of team hide-and-seek that much more memorable, but these are also great for parents who might want to keep in touch with a kiddo on a bike ride around the neighborhood who doesn't have a phone.

A set of three walkie talkies one blue, one yellow, and one pink
A set of three walkie talkies one blue, one yellow, and one pink

18.A set of Stomp Rockets that can launch a rocket 200 feet into the air because nothing is more fun than watching things shoot into the sky. This award-winning toy allows your kiddos to adjust the angles and pressure applied, creating different levels of height every time — a STEM masterpiece!

Child launches a stomp rocket. Text reads soft foam-tipped rockets
Child launches a stomp rocket. Text reads soft foam-tipped rockets

19.An adjustable scooter that will last for years and provide plenty of use. I see more kids riding scooters to school now than bikes and scooters have a hold on my kids like you wouldn't believe, so this is one outdoor toy I wholeheartedly recommend.

two children riding scooters
two children riding scooters

20.A beginner hoverboard for that little kid who is so ready to be a big kid. These hoverboards have a max speed of five miles per hour and are designed specifically for kids under 80 pounds. Screen-free exercise AND getting them out into fresh air? Yes, please!

Child rides on a hoverboard
Child rides on a hoverboard

21.A light-up dance mat that will wear out your kid, early 2000s arcade style. You can even use Bluetooth to play your own favorite jams to complete the experience — or just let them play theirs...

A kid dances on a dance mat
A kid dances on a dance mat

22.A simple, but classic slide that will be sure to delight your kiddos. And the best part about this? It lasts well beyond the toddler stage. My six-year-old now jumps off of it, puts it into our wading pool to use as a water slide in summer, and even just rolls things down it. This slide can also fold up to store when it's not in use, but don't be surprised if you bring it in for some inside fun when the weather's bad.

Child climbs a slide
Child climbs a slide

23.A camera creator kit so your kiddo can combine some of that energy with a little creative output. The stand allows them to move around as needed while still capturing some cinematic glory with the included green screen and programmed backgrounds. Who knows — maybe they'll shoot the next big action movie.

Kid uses a camera with a greenscreen
Kid uses a camera with a greenscreen

24.An assortment of fidget toys for any kid who can't stay still. Not only do fidget toys help some kids relax, but the variety can keep them occupied for a while. Now excuse me as I claim the stretching unicorn for my own.

Kid plays with a variety of fidget toys
Kid plays with a variety of fidget toys

25.A kid-size indoor trampoline that includes a handlebar to help young kids hold steady. Can you picture it? Your toddler, rife with energy, wanders over to the trampoline. They jump. They jump again. They keep jumping. You — stay with me here — sit. Just revel in that dream for a bit and then click "add to cart."

Child jumps on a small trampoline
Child jumps on a small trampoline

26.An inflatable dart board that uses tennis balls that stick to the board rather than dart — saving you the terror of an energetic kid throwing something with a needle on the end. Once inflated, this board can be used indoors or outdoors, stores easily, and can help them aim and throw until maybe they're just a little tired for once.

A dart board hangs on a door
A dart board hangs on a door

27.A versatile and comforting sensory swing because it'll be the perfect spot for quiet reading, swinging, relaxing, or exploring. Sensory swings provide gentle pressure that is seriously calming for kids of all ages. Plus it's easy enough to move that it can be used indoors or outdoors!

Child stands in a sensory swing
Child stands in a sensory swing

28.A cube play set that will make fort-building quick, easy, and creative while saving you mess and flattened couch cushions. Plus, once playing in the fort is done, it converts into a kid-friendly place to relax. Talk about easier than cleaning up an entire room of cushions and blankets.

kids playing on the cube play set
kids playing on the cube play set

29.A motion-controlled drone that will seriously level up a game of "keepy-uppy." Forget blowing up balloon after balloon and set this little rechargeable wonder sphere into motion. All they need to do is put their hand near the drone and it'll change directions — providing some much-needed movement for any kid with energy to burn.

Child plays with a drone
Child plays with a drone

30.A bounce house and blower, aka the perfect all-season splurge. Bounce houses are second to none for getting kid energy out and the perfect excuse for you to sit down and watch the fun. Plus they tend to get their money's worth since they can be pulled out for parties or used inside if you have a space large enough.

Kids play on a bounce house
Kids play on a bounce house

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