30 Pride Memes To Celebrate the LGBTQ+ Community

Every June is all about Pride. During Pride Month, we celebrate LGBTQ+ communities in an effort to grow acceptance, fight for equality and ensure that everyone has an equal right to love who they love. While there are other days of significance, like National Coming Out Day on Oct. 11, every day is a great day to celebrate queerness and gay folks.

The original Pride began as a protest against police brutality in the Stonewall Riots, and the mission of Pride is a serious one that shouldn't be taken lightly, despite its colorful motifs and parades. But that doesn't mean we can't also celebrate our LGBTQ+ communities without a sense of humor. These memes capture much of the struggles, both serious and amusing, of Pride and beyond. Whether you're cis, trans, ace, gay, bi, nonbinary—whatever you identify as—grab your rainbow flag (or corporate rainbow merch—we see you!) and get ready to giggle and get educated with these Pride Month memes.

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30 Pride Month Memes

1. Here we go, Pride Month!

Related: What Does LGBTQ+ Mean? Every Letter Is Important to the Community

2. Gee mom, how devastating.

3. Remember the Stonewall riots.

Related: Best Gay Romance Movies

4. Don't forget what the "B" in LGBTQ+ means!

5. 'Hi gay' is now an ironic Pride Month greeting thanks to Meg Stalter.

Related: The Best LGBTQ Books

6. If you have that one friend who uplifts you during Pride, don't let them go.

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7. There are a few questions missing, no?

8. Welp.

Related: Best LGBTQ+ Quotes

9. Also, in the MCU, Valkyrie is bisexual!

Related: What Does the Lesbian Flag Look Like? Here's Why You Might See So Many Variations of the Lesbian Flag

10. Rainbow logos are nice, but...

11. OB-GYN visits be like...

12. The end of Pride Month:

Related: What’s the History of the Pride Flag, and What Does Each Pride Flag Color Mean?

13. Femme and/or straight-passing lesbians and sapphics, we see you and we support you!

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14. The Infinity Stones were colorful.

15. Perfect pronoun use.

16. We love Dolly Parton in all of her colors.

17. You know what? We'll take what we can get from family during Pride.

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18. Go get them!

Related: 40 LBGTQIA+ TV Shows You Really Should Binge-Watch to Celebrate Pride Month

19. You can be proud and still want to be left alone. That's fine!

20. Easy to read.

21. 'Left foot yellow' would be really tough from up there.

22. We love a pun.

23. Be careful not to deadname your trans pals.

24. Preach!

Related: 25 LGBTQ Books for Pride Month That Inform and Entertain

25. Ugh, there's always at least one.

26. Imagine that, cishet men!

27. Pride Pirates? Yes.

28. If she only knew!

Related: Here's How To Be a Straight Ally to the LGBTQ+ Community

29. The elders at Pride feel this.

30. You love to see it.

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Next, get to know the history behind 21 LGBTQIA+ Pride flags and what they each represent.