A 30-Minute Yoga Practice for the Full Moon in Aquarius

This article originally appeared on Yoga Journal

According to astrology, the full Moon illuminates not only the night sky but also awarenesses and lessons that we need to understand about ourselves. Much like our yoga practice, astrology can provide us with opportunities for self-reflection, personal development, and intentional living.

The type of lessons we may experience reflect the personality of the sign most influencing the Moon at that moment. On August 11, 2022, the full Moon will take place in Aquarius. The days leading up to the full Moon are a time to settle into a greater awareness of yourself so that you can more easily hear and heed the insights from your inner consciousness.

A fixed air sign, Aquarius is intuitive, progressive, and eccentric. Aquarius challenges us to raise our own vibrational energy so that we can bring about whatever change is necessary as individuals and as a society. This is a time to embrace your inner rebel, acknowledge your eccentricities, question your status quo, and show up as your most authentic and outrageous self.

A funky and not-quite-conventional yoga practice filled with intentional movement can help you explore this vibe. Remind yourself that you can break out of patterns by bringing simple variations to common standing poses. Allow yourself the chance to play with a spirited and twisty peak pose. And end your practice with some meditative moments that invite self-awareness and awaken your ajna chakra (third eye). You may find that you no longer hold back from embracing the most authentic expression of yourself.

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A 30-minute yoga practice for the full Moon in Aquarius


Settle into Balasana (Child's Pose). Take your knees as wide as your mat, sit back on your heels, and stretch your arms in front of you. Rest your forehead on the mat and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths here. Give yourself some time to arrive into your body and your practice as you begin to cultivate your inner awareness.

From Child's Pose, slowly come to Tabletop. Take any movement here that you like. You may choose to arch and curve in Cat and Cow, bend from side to side, or circle your hips

From Tabletop, lift your hips up and back as you come into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose). Stay here for a few breaths while you root through your palms. Inhale and lift your right leg straight up behind you in Three-Legged Dog. Lengthen through your back body and reach through your toes. Bend your lifted knee, open your body to the right, and stack your hips so that your foot reaches toward the left side of the mat. Try to keep your shoulders as parallel to the floor as possible. Unwind and lower your foot to the mat. Repeat on the other side.

From Down Dog, inhale as you shift forward to Plank. Exhale as you slowly lower yourself all the way to the mat. Bring your hands beneath your shoulders, lift your chest, and come into Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose). Lower your chest, press back up into Plank, and lift your hips to bring yourself back to Downward-Facing Dog.

(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Adho Mukha Svanasana Variation (Twisted Downward-Facing Dog)

From Down Dog, walk your hands about halfway back toward your feet. Shift your weight into your left hand and reach your right hand to the outer edge of your left ankle. Lightly grasp your ankle and twist your upper body toward the left. You may gaze under your left arm. As you breathe, feel the expansion in between your ribs and across your back body. Release, slowly unwind, and bring your right hand back to the mat. Repeat on the other side.

Walk your Downward-Facing Dog out to Plank and exhale as you lower yourself halfway to Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) or all the way to the mat. Inhale and lift to Cobra or Upward-Facing Dog. Exhale as you tuck your toes and lift yourself back to Downward-Facing Dog. Take a breath here and settle into your body.

(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Padangustasana (Big Toe Pose)

From Downward-Facing Dog, exhale, gaze forward and step to the front of the mat in Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend). Let your head and arms hang toward the mat and allow everything to relax. Use your peace fingers on each hand to grip your big toes and, as you exhale, gently pull your chest toward your thighs, release the top of your head toward the mat, and let your elbows bend out to the sides in Padangustasana. Keep your shoulders at ease and bend your knees if you need to. Continue to deepen into your breath. Release your neck by shaking your head no and nodding yes. Take some big open-mouth exhales. Cultivate the third eye that Aquarius is so beautifully known for.

(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Urdhva Hastasana Variation (Upward Salute)

From Padanghustasana, gently release your grip and lift your torso to find Ardha Uttanasana (Standing Half Forward Bend). Bring your hands to your hips and slowly rise to standing. Reach your hands to the sky in Urdhva Hastasana. Send your hips to the left and reach your hands to the right to make the shape of a crescent Moon. Keep your weight evenly distributed between your feet. Come back to center and switch sides. Come back to center and, as you exhale, fall forward into Standing Forward Bend.

From Standing Forward Bend, bring your hands to the mat and step or jump back to Plank. Lift your hips to Downward-Facing Dog or lower yourself halfway or all the way to the mat and lift to Cobra or Upward-Facing Dog before you tuck your toes and lift to Down Dog. Take a breath here.

(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Virabhadrasana I (Warrior 1 Pose)

From Down Dog, inhale as you lift your right leg high, and exhale as you step forward and place your foot next to your right hand. Find the mat with your back heel and square your hips to the front of the mat. Lift your torso and bring your arms alongside your ears. Bend your front knee and see if you can lift your back thigh further away from the mat as you come into Warrior 1. Take your gaze forward with strength and determination. Root down to rise up.

Lower your hands to the mat and step back to Plank Pose. Either lift yourself directly to Down Dog or take yourself through a vinyasa--Chaturanga or all the way to the mat, then Cobra or Up Dog before you come to Down Dog. Take a few breaths in Down Dog to settle. Notice how movement can help you clear your mind and find spaciousness. Repeat Warrior 1 on your left side.

Woman in Goddess Pose releasing tension in her neck
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose)

From Down Dog, inhale as you look forward toward your fingertips and step to the front of the mat to come into a forward fold. Inhale and lift halfway with a flat back. Exhale and bring your chest back toward your thighs. Root down through your feet, sweep your arms out to the side, and slowly rise to standing with your arms overhead. Bring your hands to Anjali Mudra at your heart .

Step your left foot back and turn to face the long side of the mat. Turn your heels slightly in and your toes slightly out. Inhale and reach your hands up to the sky and reach up and out through your fingertips. As you exhale, bend your knees, guiding them outward to align with your toes in Goddess Pose. Bring your hands to your hips or the mat and find some organic movement here. Move fluidly with your breath. Don't be afraid to get a little weird with it. Maybe you reach down to touch the floor. Maybe your arms stretch out in front of you. Maybe you inhale to stretch up and out and then exhale to sit low. Do whatever feels organic in your body as you move with your breath.

(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Virabhadrasana II (Warrior 2 Pose)

From Goddess, straighten both your legs and turn your right foot fully toward the front of the mat. Stretch both of your arms out long, parallel to the floor, and try to center your shoulders over your hips. Bend your right knee and come into Warrior 2. Gaze forward over your right fingertips with strength and determination. Strengthen your heart, strengthen your legs.

(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Shanti Virabhadrasana (Peaceful or Reverse Warrior) Variation

From Warrior 2, turn your right palm up to face the sky as you lean back, extending from your right hip. Reach your left hand down your back thigh and reach your right fingertips toward the back of your mat, coming into Peaceful or Reverse Warrior.

From here, straighten your front leg. Keep yourself rooted through your feet and lengthen along your right side body. Breathe.

Woman standing on yoga at in Extended Triangle Pose
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)

From Peaceful or Reverse Warrior, straighten your front leg and pause. Exhale as you reach forward with your right arm and shift your hips toward the back of the mat. Reach down with your right hand and allow it to rest lightly on your thigh, your shin, a block, or the floor. Open your torso to the right, try to stack your shoulders, and don't collapse through your left side body. Reach your left arm toward the sky in Triangle Pose. Turn your gaze to the mat, straight ahead, or up toward your left hand.

Woman standing on a yoga rug doing Pyramid Pose
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose or Intense Side Stretch)

From Triangle, lower your left hand to the mat as you pivot onto the ball of your left foot and bring your chest to face the mat. Step your back foot forward several inches. Keep both feet flat on the floor as you inhale, lengthen through your chest, and draw your hips back. Bring your hands to your shins, blocks, or Anjali Mudra in Pyramid Pose. Exhale and release your nose toward your knee and focus on relaxing the back of your front leg. If you need to round your back body slightly, shorten your stance more, or bend your front knee, that's perfectly okay. Wherever you go in the pose, allow your breath to be full and intentional.

Woman on a yoga mat in Wild Thing stretch
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Camatkarasana (Wild Thing)

From Pyramid, step back to Downward-Facing Dog. Lift your right leg straight behind you in Three-Legged Dog. Bend your knee and stack your hips, reaching your toes toward the left as you did earlier in the practice. Stay here or, if you want to try Wild Thing, keep pivoting on your left foot and reach your right toes all the way back and bring them to the mat behind you. Keep your left leg straight. Take a full breath and reach your right hand alongside your ear and arch your back. Take up space. Turn your gaze toward your right hand or drop it toward the mat.

Woman stretching on a yoga mat
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Revolved or Twisted Wild Thing

From Wild Thing, unwind to bring your right hand down to the mat and lift your right leg straight behind you in Three-Legged Dog. Start to shift your shoulders forward over your wrists into Plank Pose as you bend your right knee and draw it toward your chest. Then twist your torso and hips to extend your right leg straight beneath you toward the left. Rest the outer edge of your foot on the mat. Shift all your weight into your right hand and reach your left hand straight up toward the sky. Unwind as you lower your left hand to the mat and pull your right leg back to Three-Legged Dog. Lower your foot back to the mat and take a breath (or several!) in Down Dog.

Repeat the above sequence on the opposite side, beginning with Goddess Pose.

Woman seated on a yoga rug practicing stretches for the hips and shoulders
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)

Come to sit on the mat. Bend your knees, bring the soles of your feet together, and let your knees open wide. Draw your right foot close to your body and thread it underneath your left thigh until your right heel rests alongside your left hip. Then cross your left leg over your right. Try to wiggle your left heel toward your right hip and stack your knees. If your hips are tight, you can place a block in between your knees or underneath your seat. Reach your right arm up, bend your elbow, and reach your fingertips down the nape of your neck. Bend your left arm behind you and reach your fingertips up toward your right hand. Either grasp the fingers or use a strap, belt, or towel to help you close the gap between your hands. Lengthen your elbows away from one another. Close your eyes and take 10 full breaths in Gomukhasana. As you exhale, imagine your energy expanding and radiating out around you. When you're ready, slowly unwind and stretch your legs out long or bend your knees and take them side to side like windshield wipers. Repeat on the other side.

Woman lying on her back on a yoga mat with her legs extended straight up in Shoulderstand
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulderstand)

Lie down on your back and bring your knees toward your chest. Massage your back by rocking side to side or in small circles on the mat, or take any other movement that is calling to you. Lower your feet to the mat. Bring your arms alongside your body and roll your shoulder blades beneath you. Press your palms onto the mat, draw your knees toward your chest, and contract your abs to lift your hips off the mat. Bring your hands to support your low back, fingers pointing toward your hips. Keep your elbows pointing forward. You will feel a stretch along your back but you shouldn't feel any weight in your neck; it should be distributed across your upper back. Reach your legs straight up toward the ceiling in Shoulderstand.

Woman lying on your back on a yoga mat practicing a shoulder stretch
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Halasana (Plow Pose)

From Shoulderstand, keep your legs straight as you start to reach your toes toward the mat behind your head. Lower your legs and try to touch your toes down behind you with your legs straight or bend your knees and let them frame your face in Plow Pose. Gently press the back of your head into the mat to relieve pressure on your neck. Do not tuck your chin. Release your hands from your lower back, bring your arms back alongside your body, and press your palms to the mat to take pressure off your neck. As you breathe, feel your back body expand and contract. Find softness anywhere you can.

When you're ready to come out of the pose, bring your hands back to your low back for support and slowly roll yourself down to the mat, one vertebrae at a time until you are fully extended on your back. Stay here for at least 10 breaths. Bend your knees, bring your feet to the mat, and take some windshield wipers.

Woman lying on a yoga rug resting in Savasana
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Stretch yourself out on the mat once again. Release your arms by your sides and let your heels reach for the far corner edges of the mat. Let all your limbs be heavy and release any hold you had on your breath. Stay still and rest in Savasana for 4-10 minutes.

Woman seated on a yoga mat in quiet meditation
(Photo: Sierra Vandervort)

When you're ready, slowly find movement. Draw your knees back in toward your chest and ease onto one side. Take all the time you need to find your way back to a cross-legged seat. Take your palms together or any other mudra you prefer and pause before you make your way back into life.


About our contributor
Sierra Vandervort is a writer, modern mystic, and community builder. She's been practicing yoga for nearly a decade and was certified to teach in 2018. Sierra's The Mystic Members Club helps women deepen their spiritual studies, feel powerful, and build a community of like-minded souls. She loves to guide them to their witchy side by helping them embrace the confidence and abundance they deserve. She's also an avid traveller, dancer, writer, and music lover. You'll find her at thelocalmystic.com, on Instagram @thelocalmystic, and on YouTube.

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