30 Incredibly Stylish People Tell Us About Their Evening Routines

Anyone with an internet connection is straight-up lying if they say they haven’t spent hours poring over the morning and bedtime routines of the most stylish among us. But anyone with a 9-to-5 knows the hours between 5 and 9 are a huge part of someone’s schedule. Though the bookends of our days tend to command our collective, voyeuristic attention, sometimes the greatest learnings are hiding out in the space we’ve not yet traversed—the evening routines of the highly stylish.

It makes sense that, when tasked with understanding a person’s schedule, we jump straight to the moment they wake up—and then to the moment they go to bed. This tells us a lot. Really, it confirms many of the theories we hold to be true. The most impressive, stylish people on our planet go to bed early, wake up early—and still manage to get enough sleep in between. They probably have involved nighttime skincare regimens that leave them absolutely glowing at all times. They don’t hit snooze. They arise totally refreshed and ready to tackle the day—maybe with a workout, or a cup of tea enjoyed alongside the morning paper, or with a black coffee sipped while diving into a thoroughly captivating read.

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But these people live entire lives between these bookends. We’d never submit them to the mundane exercise of walking us through the minutiae of their jobs, but evenings? Evenings are where dinners live, where happy hours thrive, where personal lives take center stage. Mornings are about catching your breath before the workday begins, and nights are about setting yourself up for the most refreshing respite possible before you begin the cycle all over again. But in those post-work, pre-bed hours, we’re invited to be absolutely ourselves. We can prioritize our hobbies, spend time with our families, indulge in a wine night with friends or simply unwind with a casual Netflix binge.

Our morning and bedtime routines may say a lot about the people we aspire to be. But our evening routines? They capture the people we actually are.

1. Sam Feher, 22, Cosmopolitan Editorial Assistant/Influencer/Founder of The Brunch Club Boutique

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6:30 P.M.- I usually work until 6:30. Then my commute to my apartment is about 30 minutes. During that time, I work on editing, scheduling and captioning my content for both my personal and Brunch Club Instagrams—plus I deal with the emails I got throughout the day, relating to both influencer and Brunch Club stuff. Sometimes, I also look at line sheets (when a wholesaler sends picture of their new collections) and choose which ones I want to buy and sell retail on my site.
7:00 P.M.- I get home around 7, and I hit Trader Joe’s if I’m low on groceries. Then, I head home to meal prep lunch and sometimes dinner for the next day, depending on whether I have plans to meet a friend or business partner for dinner. (Sometimes, those dinners with business partners are other influencers, brand reps or people from influencer marketing companies looking to network. Other times, it’s just catch-ups with friends.)

8:30 P.M.- Post-meal prep/eating dinner, I shower and straight up my apartment. (I can’t work unless my home is super neat and organized). Then I light a candle—and sometimes pour a glass of wine.

9:00 P.M.- I sit down at my computer to finish sup emails and tend to any urgent Cosmo work stuff that came up since I left the office.

9:30 P.M.- Then, I decompress with some Netflix before bed. I’m currently watching The Act—moving onto Euphoria next. Suspenseful stuff like The Act keeps my brain nimble in case I need to keep working after, but takes my mind off the stress of all my actual work (if that makes sense). I don’t like to watch stuff where you don’t have to think to enjoy it.

2. Jodie Filogomo, 53, Fashion Blogger at Jodie’s Touch of Style

6:00-7:00 P.M.- My husband and I cook dinner together. He is the sous-chef, and I tend to put it all together—although he is a wonderful taste-tester and has a gift of discerning what else the dish needs. We eat light in the evenings, and may have a glass of wine with dinner. In the summer months, we love to eat out on the patio, and many times we invite the neighbors over, too.

8:00 P.M.- If we are alone, we tend to either take a walk after dinner or retire on the couch. We have a couple of series we are watching—Signed, Sealed and Delivered, along with A Place to Call Home—that we get from the library. While we are watching TV, I get my knitting time in.

10:00 P.M.- I check in on Instagram and reply to any comments I have on my posts.

3. Kadeem Fyffe, 27, Fashion Designer

6:00 P.M.- Gym or 30-minute outdoor run.

7:00 P.M.- Happy hour.

9:00 P.M.- Dinner with friends.

11:00 P.M.- Late night drinks/night cap.

12:00-1:00 A.M.- Try to head to bed—I’ll head home earlier if I have early meetings the next day.

4. Kate Walsh, 51, Actress and Founder of Boyfriend Perfume

6:00 P.M- Final check-in with my Boyfriend Perfume team in Los Angeles (I’m in NYC) and check the last of my general emails for the day. Work/life balance is really important to me, so I’ve set my own internal boundary of not checking emails after 7.

6:30 P.M.- During the summer, I like to invite friends over for an Aperol spritz or glass of rosé and snacks on my patio, or to meet friends for drinks at Bar Pisellino.

7:30 P.M.- Dinner at Via Carota, my favorite restaurant in the West Village.

9:00 P.M.- Take Rosie and Amico (my dogs) for their nighttime walk around the village and usually make a call to a pal on the West Coast to catch up.

9:30 P.M.- A good bath is the best nightcap. GOOP has really great bath salts ($35 at GOOP) that I love to soak in. That, paired with essential oil in the tub makes for the best relaxation.

10:00 P.M.- I put the electronics down and spend some time reading before bed. I’m currently reading The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers ($12 at Amazon). If I’m particularly wiped out, I will read a little poem from Nayyirah Waheed’s salt. ($19.93 at Amazon) or anything by Mary Oliver. I like to have the last thing on my mind be something beautiful.

5. Jade Gedeon, 38, Founder and Jewelry Designer at We Dream in Colour

5:30-6:00 P.M.- Arrive home and brace for the rush of offspring (son, 9, and daughter, 4) that will descend once they hear the door creak. Catch up on the must-hear news of the day from children while surveying how many toys have migrated from the playroom to the dining room table.

6:30 P.M.- Determine how to keep both children engaged, happy, feeling loved, etc., which typically means me getting crushed in games of Connect Four while simultaneously trying to determine how I can monetize their abnormally good gaming skills. (Or maybe I am just not very good???)

6:55 P.M.- Thank the powers that be for the fact that my husband is an epic cook and is prepping dinner for us all in the background. Occasionally, we trade off on the cooking/play duties because I love cooking too—but not more than he dislikes getting a manicure/makeover from a 4-year-old.

7:30 P.M.- Sit down for dinner together and converse with our mini-mes.

8:17 P.M.- Kidskidskids, play tag while trying not to break anything or seriously injure myself (4-year-old is FAST).

8:24 P.M.- Quickly work on to-do lists for post-child-bedtime/the next day while pretending I need to use the bathroom. Offer up a show or movie so I can tackle keep-the-house-under-control chores.

10:00 P.M.- Herd children upstairs to scrub them down and line up the inevitable request items while they are in the bath/shower (snack? water? GOT IT NO NEED TO GO DOWNSTAIRS AGAIN), read stories and contemplate handcuffing them to beds.

10:30 P.M.- Lights out for the small people. They would go to sleep later, and occasionally we let them, but this is our sweet-spot for getting to enjoy their company in the evening while having time for a tiny adult luxury or two like.

11:00 P.M.- Sneak in a steam session—when we built our new house, I insisted on installing a steam shower. It’s one of my favorite ways to literally sweat out the day, and I swear it helps me sleep better. It’s the perfect isolation chamber. Try to remember to wash my face and put stuff that will keep me young and beautiful forever on it.

11:30 P.M.- Find my book and read…and most definitely not spend any time on Instagram (please don’t check the time on my posts thank you).

6. Charlotte Hale, CEO and Founder of Plum Pretty Sugar

5:00 P.M.- I typically start winding down and finishing any projects, as well as beginning the review of any evening ad sets or social sets (as an online business, it doesn’t stop at COB).

5:30-6:00 P.M.- Our two kids typically arrive home after their after school activities. Lots of chatter around the kitchen island and any quick dinner, snacks or drinks.

6:00-7:00 P.M.- Dad usually arrives home and more play and chat with the kids. Sometimes it’s outside, other times inside. My husband and I also have a cocktail and perhaps a snack.

7:00-8:00 P.M.- Bath time for the babes. My husband and I hang out, chat and perhaps put the TV on. Often times, we’ll just and talk about our days. We’re all very interactive and involved. Lots and lots of chatter!

8:00-8:30 P.M.- Bedtime for my daughter first, and then my son. My husband has also likely fallen asleep.

8:30-10:00 P.M.- Back to work for me. Emails, as well as set-up for the next day.

7. Maggie Griswold, 26, StyleCaster Writer and Founder of Plus-Size Fashion Site Unruly

5:30 P.M.- Because I work from home, my evening routine starts earlier than some. Before dinner, I stretch (or work out if I’m really feeling it that day), then clean up my apartment and room. (A lot of times I have packages that have come in thrown around, laundry that needs to be put up, etc. I like to clean it all up before my roommate gets home!)

6:15 P.M.- I love cooking dinner for myself, so depending on how hungry I am, I’ll actually make a pretty well-balanced meal. (Occasionally it’s a frozen pizza, because it be like that sometimes.) I usually put on music and enjoy time away from screens while I cook.

7:30 P.M.- After dinner, my roommate and I like to kick back and watch TV. (We both watch Jane the Virgin and Handmaid’s Tale!) While we’re watching TV, I’m usually also working on pieces for my site, Unruly (a website dedicated to everything plus-size fashion). Some parts are easier to work on while watching Netflix than others, so I try to leave the easy stuff for the evenings.

9:00 P.M.- I rarely leave my dishes unwashed, so typically after a couple episodes of TV, I get up and clean the kitchen before (attempting to) settle down for the night.

8. Samantha Brown, 32, Professional Wardrobe Stylist

7:00 P.M.-10:00 P.M.- I frequently work with private clients in the evenings, as some of them work traditional 9-to-5 schedules.

7:30 P.M.- If I’m not working, I go out for drinks or dinner with friends or colleagues (this usually happens three to four times a week).

9:30/10:00 P.M.- Once I’m home around, I immediately change out of my clothes and into a robe. I spend my night watching shows while simultaneously working on my phone—answering emails or putting together social media content. I fight sleep, so I’m usually doing this until around midnight. I’ve been trying to power down and read more in the evenings, so that happens every now and then.

9. Sheereen Charles, 27, Stylist and Blogger at Cups of Coco

9:00 P.M.- I don’t always get home at the same time because of client appointments, but most days, it around’s 9—and we eat dinner at the same time. I spend an hour with my daughter before putting her to bed. (If I get home earlier, I’ll have more time to spend with her.)

10:00 P.M.- After saying goodnight to my daughter, I spend about an hour and a half looking up trends, responding to emails, etc.

10. Antonia Timpany, 33, Founder of Timpanys Boutique

If I’m not out in the evening, I either try and get a game of tennis in or just chill at home. If I’m chilling at home, it looks like this:

7:00 P.M.- I have two magnesium (this has been a game-changer for helping me chill after a busy day at work), and I practice 20 minutes of yoga to chill out. I also wash my face as soon as I get in—double cleanse and exfoliate. Again, it’s another ritual that gets my body prepared to relax.

7:30 P.M.- I meal prep each Sunday, so dinner is easy and already made. I eat dinner, and then usually watch something on TV while finishing up emails and answering social media questions from clients.

9:30 P.M.- I get into bed and read for an hour. This is such a great way to switch off and calm the mind.

11. Jené Luciani, 40, Bestselling Author and TODAY Style Contributor

8:00/9:00 P.M.- I get the kiddos ready for bed and enjoy a glass of Prosecco or two!

12. Brynn Tweeddale, 23, Fashion Blogger

I basically have two modes:

6:00 P.M.- On less busy days, I’ll get home around 6. And I’ll do some of my go-to self-care routines—Crest white strips for my teeth, dermarolling for my face and/or a face mask. This way, I’m not staying up late waiting for a face mask to finish, or anything.


10:00 P.M.- On busier days, I’ll get home around 10 and do some of these rituals as a latch-ditch effort for self-care.

13. Gail Bruce, 77, Founder of Hip Silver

6:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.- After a day of work ending anywhere between 6-8 P.M., I leave the office and start winding down. I usually get home around 7:00 P.M., have a light dinner and glass of wine, change into something comfortable, and clear emails.desk at home before putting on the news. I drink plenty of water and make sure to take vitamins/heart supplements in case I was too rushed in the morning. I shower every other day to help maintain moisture in my hair, which I wash with White Hot Hair Shampoo ($16.85 at Hip Silver).

8:30 P.M.- I then wash my face, and do facial exercises that improve my jowl line and facial tone. This something helpful for people in mid-life and of the Silver Age to keep in mind—we exercise our bodies but never think to exercise our faces. Moisturizing is essential, so I use Superfatted Cream ($30 at Janet Sartin) for my eyes and upper arms. (I’ve been using Janet Sartin products since I was 19 yrs old when I first started modeling!)

14. Dave Bowden, 34, Fashion Blogger at Irreverent Gent

I’m a morning person, so my evening routine is pretty sparse compared to my mornings.

6:00 P.M.- My wife and I make dinner together and discuss our days.

8:00 P.M.- After dinner, we indulge in an hour or two of TV.

9:30 P.M.- Before I get into bed, I’ll go back to my journal to make notes about how I did on my daily goals—and make sure that anything I didn’t achieve becomes my number one goal for the next day.

15. Iva Pawling, 36, CEO and Cofounder of Richer Poorer

I only allow myself a single night out a week for work/friends, so most nights look like:

4:30/5:00 P.M.- Leave the office, listen to a podcast.

5:30 P.M.- Put my phone away and spend some time with my kids. Summer time is the best time, because the extended daylight allows for some bike riding or park jaunts.

6:30 P.M.- Family dinner—most often takeout, because we don’t have time to cook.

7:00 P.M.- Family hang time.

7:45 P.M.- Bath time for both kids with books, and bedtime routine.

8:15 P.M.- Check my phone to see if anything work-wise needs to be addressed. If not, I head straight into my bedtime self-care routine (and maybe catch some TV).

16. Aysel Gunar, 32, Founder and President of MantraBand

6:00 P.M.- Dinner with my husband and kids.

7:00-8:30 P.M.– Kids’ bedtime routines.

8:30-9:30 P.M.- This is when I relax, try to do nothing and usually have a cup or two of green tea and fruits. I might watch a stand-up comedy show, or a series episode with my husband.

9:30-10:30 P.M.- Checking a few emails and planning for the next day.

17. Bhupi Singh, 41. Founder of The Spanish Sandal Co

3:30 P.M.- I pick up the kids from school. I have three small children: Max, who is 5, and my twins, Alexia and Sebastien, who are 4.

4:15 P.M.- The nanny arrives, so she takes over with the kids and I get back to work. I live in Argentina right now, but my business is based in the U.S., so there are a lot of emails that arrive in the late afternoon (whereas mornings are typically quieter and allow me to do more strategic or creative work).

7:15 P.M.- I have dinner together with my husband and kids. I have a housekeeper who prepares dinner and cleans up, which frees up a lot of time I can spend working (before dinner) and hanging out with the kids (after dinner).

8:00 P.M.- I generally shower the kids one at a time while the others watch a little TV. (Sometimes my husband takes over or showers one of the kids.)

8:30 P.M.– I read the kids a bedtime story.

8:45 P.M.- I put the kids to bed and wait in front of their bedroom while they fall asleep, resuming work at the same time. They actually ask me every night to “work next to them.”

9:15 P.M.- I walk my English bulldog, Charlotte.

9:45 P.M.- I chat with my husband and/or watch TV. (I don’t like fiction—plus, we are building a house—so it’s generally a home improvement program like Fixer Upper.)

18. Vanessa Valiente, 37, Personal Stylist and Creator of V Style Blog

I sometimes work until I need to prepare for bed. Which isn’t bad once a week—but it’s definitely not fun if I do it more frequently than that.

7:00-11:30 P.M.- On days when I finish my work before 7 P.M., I often spend time with my boyfriend or have social plans.

7:00-11:00 P.M.- Or, if I have alone time, I watch a movie or straighten up my home, which is incredibly satisfying.

19. Kara Richards, 21, Blog Manager at Beauty Pros

3:00 P.M.- I leave work and head to the gym (three or four days a week).

5:00 P.M.- I head home from the gym.

5:35 P.M.- I shower and change into comfy clothes.

6:00 P.M.- I cook and eat dinner.

6:50 P.M.- After cleaning up, I’ll spend some time working in the living room, while watching the news, sports or Netflix re-runs.

20. Gath D’Silva, 27, Head of Design at The Jacket Maker

6:00 P.M.- On a regular day, I’ll get home by 6, and I typically spend an hour listening to music.

7:00 P.M.- I spend an hour answering messages and returning calls.

8:00 P.M.- Then, I have dinner at 8.

21. Molly Carey, 41, Stylist and Influencer at the Sunny Blonde

5:00 P.M.- My evening routine revolves around spending time with my son. We will walk the dog around the lake, AND then play basketball, ride on scooters or put together a puzzle.

6:00 P.M.- I love to cook, so I usually make dinner—we both love tacos!

7:30 P.M.- My son goes to bed, and I catch up on emails and plan out any sponsored or liketoknow.it posts. During this time, I will also finish any client work on my to-do list (styling Pinterest boards, sponsored blog posts, etc.). I’ll also do a little shopping for myself!

9:00 P.M. I finally get to relax, which may include meditating, Netflix or reading a good book.

22. Jaclyn Johnson, 33, Founder and CEO of Create & Cultivate and Author of WorkParty

6:00 P.M.-I usually arrive to the office before the team does, so it’s quiet and I have time to work on strategy or take important phone calls (especially for those on EST). This allows me to leave the office at 6 P.M. each day. It’s very important for me to have clear work boundaries in order to take care of myself.

7:00 P.M.- A few nights a week, I have events where I’m either hosting a Create & Cultivate gathering or I’m attending a work dinner as a guest. If I’m home, then the first thing I do is walk my dog, Noah. Being outside with him, sans phone, really helps to clear my head and allows me to process the day. It’s my form of meditation.

7:30 P.M.- If I’m not out for an event, then I’ll cook dinner with my husband, David. I use this time as a no-phone zone to decompress from the day and spend quality time with him. I can’t express how important this is for our relationship and for me personally and mentally.

9:00 P.M.- As the CEO of a fast-growing business, I’m not on a traditional 9-to-5 office hours rotation. So once I’ve had quality time with my husband and dog, I’ll typically take a moment before bed to check any unread emails from the day and answer anything urgent.

9:30 P.M.- Due to my schedule, I have a pretty low-maintenance beauty routine, but I usually wash my face and try to throw on a mask one to two times a week to keep my skin fresh and hydrated.

23. Shay Sweeney, 32, Fashion Blogger at Shay Moné and LIKEtoKNOW.it Influencer

4:00-5:00 P.M.- In the evenings, I’m still working and usually eat on the go! Between conference calls, blog posts and edits, my evenings can get very hectic. I work until the kids get home, and then I get into mommy mode.

4:30/6:00 P.M.- The kids get home around 5:30/6-ish, and make sure I am turned off from work so I can focus on them. We play, watch movies, learn and do whatever else they want that evening. It’s always fun to get them tired and ready to start winding down before dinner and bath time.

7:00 P.M.- Dinner time at our house, and then bath time.

8:00 P.M.- The kids head to bed.

24. Valerie Halfon, 35, Founder and CEO of Shop With Val

I get home at different times depending on my appointments that day—and some days, I work from home entirely. But once I’m ready to settle in for the night—usually around 10/10:30 P.M.—I begin my go-to evening/bedtime routine (which is usually so exhausting in itself that I head straight to bed afterward!).

First, I change into PJs. Then I engage in my nightly beauty routine. I comb my hair, brush my teeth and use mouthwash. Then, I remove my makeup (Neutrogena Ultra-Soft Makeup Remover Wipes, $7.99 at Neutrogena) and apply facewash (First Aid Beauty Pure Skin Face Cleanser, $21 at Sephora). From there, I apply toner (AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner, $17 at ULTA), night cream (Cerave PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion, $23.52 at Amazon) and eye cream (Mario Badescu Hyaluronic Eye Cream, $18 at ULTA). I also put castor oil (SheaMoisture 100% Pure Jamaican Black Castor Oil, $6.99 at Target) on my eyebrows to promote hair growth.

25. Catherine Bachelier, 49, Stylist

9:00 P.M.- I drink a tall glass of hot water with lemon or lime and put on an episode of Friends.

26. Eric Lee Edmonson, 35, Fashion Blogger and Style Coach at The ELE Code

In the evenings, I actually work a (not fashion-related) full-time job from home (starting at 5:30 P.M.), so a lot of my time goes to that. To make up for it, I try to spend my lunch break (1:00 or 2:00 P.M.) doing what I can for my blog. Sometimes, I’ll work on a future blog post. Other times, I’ll watch videos posted by some of my favorite YouTubers.

I get off work at 2:30 A.M. CST, and by that point, basically everyone I know is asleep. So instead of working on my blog, I focus on unwinding and disconnecting from my full-time job.

27. Meghan Belfiore, 26, Founder and CEO of wearNYLA

5:30 P.M.- I usually leave the office around 5:30 and luckily only have a 10-minute commute!

6:00 P.M.- If I’m staying home for dinner, I usually change into something comfy. If I’m meeting friends for dinner, I’ll change into my go-to look—black jeans ($83 at wearNYLA), a white tee ($21 at wearNYLA) and a denim jacket ($65 at wearNYLA).

7:00 P.M.- I always look forward to dinner when I get home, as my days are usually pretty booked and I don’t have too much time to get lunch. I love to order from Tocaya Organica. They have the best burrito bowls—definitely a weekly must-have.

8:00 P.M.- I normally take time to explore new business ideas or just play catch-up. I honestly think this is the hour I am most creative. When I’m not working, listening to a new podcast is always at the top of my list.

28. Erin Ipsen, 27, Fashion Blogger

5:30 P.M.- If I haven’t already, I will work out in the evening. I typically will do a workout video by Fitness Blender, which you can find on Youtube.
6:30 P.M.- Then, I’ll shower and make a healthy supper.

7:00 P.M.- Usually, I eat chicken and vegetables, eggs or fish.

7:45 P.M.- After supper, I make myself a cup of tea and sit down with a book—then I’ll take a walk.

9:30 P.M.- After that, I may watch an episode of a TV show or play my guitar.

29. Jordan Laub, 25, Co-Founder of Vegan Faux Fur Jacket Company Velufur

Before it’s dark out, I’ll usually eat something, shower, refresh and meet friends for drinks a half hour late. Once golden hour sets in, we’ll grab a couple photos of the fur before sunset. Then, we’ll head home—because we forgot something we needed for the night out—get lost in the house and never make it back out. Good times.

30. Diane Pollack, 51, Clothing Designer and Wardrobe Consultant at Stylempower

6:30 P.M.- I’m usually headed to an event or the gym.

9:00 P.M.- If I haven’t already eaten, I’ll have dinner. I know this is considered pretty late for dinner, but it extends my day—and it works for my husband’s late schedule, if he’s home too.

10:00 P.M.- After I’ve eaten, I usually take some time to relax. If I’m home by myself, I usually sit with my feet up on the sofa and sift through my emails, as well as the newsletters and blogs I follow. If my husband is home, we may watch a TV show together.

11:00 P.M.- Around 11, I usually watch the news in the living room. But if I’m headed to bed early, I’ll watch it from my bedroom.


*Some responses have been edited and condensed for clarity.

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