What 30 CrossFit Murphs in 30 Days Did to This Model’s Body

Photo credit: Brett Maverick - YouTube
Photo credit: Brett Maverick - YouTube

In his latest video, YouTuber and model Brett Maverick takes on another 30-day challenge; this time, performing CrossFit's toughest workout every day for a month. The Murph WOD (originally devised by the late Navy SEAL, Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, and later named in his honor) consists of a 1-mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 air squats, and another 1-mile run. And if you're doing it properly, you will complete the whole thing while wearing a 20-pound weighted vest.

Brett completes his first Murph in 56 minutes 28 seconds. He notes that while he's used to running, and the squats were fine once he got used to them, he is still exhausted by the time he has finished the entire workout.

"It was absolutely insane," he says. "It was really tough... Holy crap, the pushups were so hard. That was by far the hardest part, at like 50 reps I was so tired. It's just the stamina, the tiresomeness. It's not even the strength, it's how tired you get, your body just doesn't want to do any more."

Over the course of the next 30 days, Brett finds his endurance improving, despite a recurring pain in his elbow joint while doing the pullups. At the end of the month, he has lost a quarter of an inch from his waist, added half an inch to his biceps and a staggering inch and a half to his chest, as well as building some size in his legs.

Photo credit: Men's Health
Photo credit: Men's Health

He is also pleased to have shaved a whole 10 minutes off his time; on Day 30, he completed his final Murph in 45 minutes 56 seconds. But he admits that while the challenge definitely helped him get more shredded, the physical results also came at a cost.

"Mentally, I'll be honest, it was pretty horrible," he says. "I got bored of doing the Murph after like Day 3. If the gym and working out is a stress reliever to you, if it's escape, then I would not recommend doing this. I lost my enjoyment almost immediately."

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