42 Best Motherhood Quotes from Celebrities Who Totally Get It

Motherhood: It’s a special club. (Come on, who else is going to understand the lack of sleep and the tantrums and the fact that conversations about poop are now a daily occurrence?) With Mother’s Day right around the corner, now’s the perfect time to celebrate your membership via these celeb quotes that perfectly define the highs and lows—and the quirks—of being a mom.

Keep reading for 42 motherhood quotes that are bound to bring a smile to every mom’s face, whether you write them in a card or use them for a DIY project.

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1. "My favorite thing about being a mom is just what a better person it makes you on a daily basis." - Drew Barrymore

2. "Little souls find their way to you whether they're from your womb or someone else's." - Sheryl Crow

3. "You don't ever balance it completely. [Motherhood] is a constant struggle of a little more time there, a little more time here, and feeling a little bit guilty all the time." - Halle Berry

4. "Sometimes, when I want to take on the world, I try to remember that it's just as important to sit down and ask my son how he's feeling or talk to him about life." - Angelina Jolie

5. "You're going to get advice from a lot of people, and you can take bits and pieces, but you know innately what your child needs. You should trust that." - Lucy Liu

6. "Having a baby is just living in the constant unexpected. You never know when you're gonna get crapped on or when you're gonna get a big smile or when that smile immediately turns into hysterics." - Blake Lively

7. "Only I can understand my kid. She's like 'BDIDKDKODKDHJXUDHEJSLOSJDHDUSJMSOZUZUSJSIXOJ' and I'm like, 'OK, I will get you a piece of sausage in just a minute.'" - Chrissy Teigen

8. "I've learned the value of absorbing the moment." - Thandie Newton

9. "Every day when you're raising kids, you feel like you could cry or crack up and just scream 'This is ridiculous!' because there's so much nonsense, whether it's what they're saying to you or the fact that there's avocado or poop on every surface." - Kristen Bell

10. "Becoming a mother has made me next-level confident. I've never felt more empowered." - Kelly Clarkson

11. "I can be covered in spit-up on a conference call while I'm pumping and that's OK because this is my perfect. It may not be somebody else's, but this is mine." - Kerry Washington

12. "Nothing can really prepare you for it because you never again have a day where you don't think of your kids first." - Zooey Deschanel

13. "We have rules around the house. I always say, if you're not yelling at your kids, you're not spending enough time with them." - Reese Witherspoon

14. "I think twice about traveling now, because it needs to be for a damn good reason if I'm going to leave my kid." - Connie Britton

15. "You have those moments: exhaustion, the stress of having an exuberant child, and you don't want to be judged by your worst mistakes. It's a part of life, and it's a part of what makes us who we are." - Viola Davis

16. "I use humor instead of getting into that whole yes and no thing all the time. It's about just getting them to laugh rather than getting in power struggles." - Marcia Cross

17. "Stars are just like us. We all got lice. It's making me itchy just to talk about it." - Jennifer Garner

18. "I tell my daughter every morning, 'Now, what are the two most important parts of you?' And she says, 'My head and my heart.' Because that's what I've learned in the foxhole: What gets you through life is strength of character and strength of spirit and love." - Viola Davis

19. "I think every working mom probably feels the same thing: You go through big chunks of time where you're just thinking, 'This is impossible — oh, this is impossible.' And then you just keep going and keep going and you sort of do the impossible." - Tina Fey

20. "It's not about what we can do, it's what we MUST do as working moms and working dads. Anything is possible...if it means warming up and stretching while holding my baby that's what #thismama will do." - Serena Williams

21. "Sleep at this point is just a concept. Something I'm looking forward to investigating in the future." - Amy Poehler

22. "As a new mom myself, it really was important to hear positive compliments from people just being like, 'Hey, you're doing a great job.'" - Shay Mitchell

23. "Why don't kids understand that their nap is not for them, it's for us?" - Alyson Hannigan

24. "When I had my children and I felt that type of love, which I know you understand and every mom out there understands, it made me understand that there was a purity to love. That there is an unconditional love." - Jennifer Lopez

25. "Get rid of the guilt. When you're at one place, don't feel bad that you're not at work. When you're at work, don't feel bad that you're not at home." - Katie Couric

26. "It just occurred to me that the majority of my diet is made up of the foods my kid did not finish." - Carrie Underwood

27. "When my daughter is awake, I want her to sleep. When she's asleep, I want her awake. This is my parenting life." - Chrissy Teigen

28. "I've never met a 2-year-old who is terrible. I'm so cool with every stage my daughter goes through. I just think she's amazing. I hope she's not looking at me thinking, 'Mom, are the terrible 30s coming on with you?'" - Katie Holmes

29. "The one thing you've got to be prepared to do as a parent is not to be liked from time to time." - Emma Thompson

30. "Children are f--king crazy. They're also suicidal. Like, at the park, certain jungle gyms have an opening for older kids to jump out of. My daughter can't jump. She just walks off it as if she's on a pirate ship." - Mila Kunis

31. "I don't think there's been an hour of my life since Ava was born that I don't think of my kids. I call it my CNN ticker tape: Is Ava OK? Yes. Is Deacon OK? Yes. Is Tennessee OK? Yes. Back to Ava." - Reese Witherspoon

32. "Becoming a mom to me means you have accepted that for the next 16 years of your life, you will have a sticky purse." - Nia Vardalos

33. "Nothing can really prepare you for the sheer overwhelming experience of what it means to become a mother. It is full of complex emotions of joy, exhaustion, love and worry, all mixed together. Your fundamental identity changes overnight." - Kate Middleton

34. "People know not to call me before 8:15. Because 8:15 is when everybody has to either be on the bus or at school and then my whole life starts at 8:15." - Reese Witherspoon

35. "Parenting shifts as your kids shift. The best thing for me has been throwing any kind of parenting manual out of the window." - Kate Hudson

36. "Motherhood is the most completely humbling experience I've ever had. It puts you in your place because it really forces you to address the issues that you claim to believe in—and if you can’t stand up to those principles when you're raising a child, forget it." - Diane Keaton

37. "I never understand why mothers judge other mothers, like, 'What do you mean you didn't breastfeed? What do you mean you didn’t do this?' It's like, 'Can't we all just be on each other'z side?'" - Gwyneth Paltrow

38. "It's not difficult to take care of a child; it's difficult to do anything else while taking care of a child. Trying to clean up the kitchen after you've had a baby is a nightmare." - Julianne Moore

39. "The sleep deprivation after children is so real. I liken it to what it must feel like to walk on the moon and cry the whole time because you had heard that the moon was supposed to be great but in truth it totally sucks." - Amy Poehler

40. "I've conquered a lot of things: Blood clots in my lungs-twice. Knee and foot surgeries. Winning Grand Slams being down match point. But I found out by far the hardest is figuring out a stroller." - Serena Williams

41. "I try to call my mother with more regularity because I think, What if Hazel didn't call me for two weeks? I'm able to see her mothering now from a different vantage point." - Julia Roberts

42. "It's not easy being a mom. If it were easy, fathers would do it." - Betty White

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