30 Of The Absolute Trashiest Things People Did In 2023

1.This guy who — based on his shirt — either doesn't want you to stomp on his flag or wants you to REEEAL bad:

"I'll eat your ass"
MrFloorboard / Via reddit.com

2.These parents who put WAAAAAY too much info on the internet for all to see:

a swing hanging in someone's house
JacobyWade1 / Via reddit.com

3.And these parents who are giving off major "unhinged" vibes:

"Back the fuck up!!!"
Pintortwo / Via reddit.com

4.This woman who is NOT, in fact, honoring the victims of 9/11:

"dropping the price of my OnlyFans to $9.11 for the rest of the day to honor the victims"
yaboiBradyC / Via reddit.com

5.And this supermarket bakery that did their own sloppy-ass tribute ("Romeber 911"? Really?):

"Romeber 911"
Jarhead_Antl / Via reddit.com

6.This girl at the lake:

"Will suck cock 4 ketamine"
TheTJLovecraft / Via reddit.com

7.The workers at this takeout restaurant who asked for a tip in the most uncomfortable way possible:

"Just put the tip in and see how it feels"
Dylan_Gio / Via reddit.com

8.The driver of this car...just ugh:

"No baby on board. I only do anal"
kobiDnB / Via reddit.com

9.And the subject of this letter who does NOT understand recycling (or being a functional human):

"please have some decency like the rest of us."
sugarbageldonut / Via reddit.com

10.Anyone involved in the production or sale of this gross shirt:

"Future Hooters girl"
Ok-Owl3879 / Via reddit.com

11.This upstairs neighbor who peed out the window and onto their neighbor below:

pee running down the wall of someone's house
tgw1986 / Via reddit.com

12.And this woman who made the baffling decision to dry her underwear on a plane:

a woman on a plane holding her underwear up to the air vent
springheeledjack69 / Via reddit.com

13.The ADULTS who left their fast food table looking like this:

a dirty table in a restaurant
Odd-Captain-1963 / Via reddit.com

14.And the fast food employee who went digging in his butt while on the job:

a man with his hand down the back of his pants
h3_h3 / Via reddit.com

15.Whoever is responsible for inspiring this sign:

"Please refrain from using genitalia to press buttons"
Chris_El_Deafo / Via reddit.com

16.And — dear God no! — whoever inspired this one:

"reclaimed wastewater"
whitegirladdict / Via reddit.com

17.This whole situation:

"Cheating Wife Yard Sale"
TheOldDuderino / Via reddit.com

18.Wait, sorry. I mean THIS whole situation:

"My grandma is pregnant."
shepado / Via reddit.com

19.This human who doesn't understand how to behave on a plane:

someone's feet peeking in someone else's seat on a plane
MinHasNoLife / Via reddit.com

20.These grandkids who are — checks notes — selling their grandparents' used sex toys online:

"Two vintage magic wands"
datmodeloffoo / Via reddit.com

21.And whoever is selling this lovely bunk bed (with this even lovelier photo!):

"bunk bed"
moodychearleader / Via reddit.com

22.This dude just walking around in public wearing a disgusting shirt:

"Yapper, Snapper or Crapper Where do you want it?"
ArtieZiffsCat / Via reddit.com

23.This flat earther and their very subtle truck:

"NASA is a hoax"
kylemacabre / Via reddit.com

24.And whoever — yikes! — graffitied this billboard:

"Dad's Don't Matter"
krazykrackers / Via reddit.com

25.Whoever made (or bought) this mug for a stepfather:

"I know you've still got my back"
Lvanwinkle18 / Via reddit.com

26.The person selling this hand-painted Marlboro dresser:

"Funky, hand-painted dresser"
thewalkindude / Via reddit.com

27.And whoever drives this charming vehicle around:

Closeup of a sticker on a person's car
BerryLanky / Via reddit.com

28.Anyone who owns this undoubtedly crusty blanket:

"This is my PornHub watching blanket"
stayathmdad / Via reddit.com

29.The jerks blocking this wheelchair ramp with their bags:

People's luggage blocking a walkway
ThatDutchGuy_ / Via reddit.com

30.And lastly, whoever served their chili like THIS at an office potluck:

People scooping chili out of a toilet

Do not want!

vesea20 / Via reddit.com

HT: r/trashy