These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have the Worst Week, Because They’re Facing the Ugly Truth

If you have been second-guessing yourself, or perhaps inhibiting your self-expression as of late, Aries season can help evoke your inner strength, and self-confidence. However, three zodiac signs will have the worst week of April 3 to April 9, because the truth can no longer be overlooked, especially when in regards to contractual agreements and relationship values. For reference, think back to where you were last fall, and what might’ve lacked balance in your personal life.

In the meantime, upon Mercury’s ingress into practical Taurus on April 3, the messenger planet will face off with powerhouse Pluto in Aquarius, for the first time since it entered this fixed air sign. A stubborn debacle, this creates friction between what is essentially “yours,” and what you’ve been contributing to society as a whole. On another note, you’ll want to be sure to protect your financial data, and read the fine print before moving forward with a contract. Unexpected and transformative conversations are almost inevitable.

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Keep in mind, this week’s full moon in Libra will take place on April 6, and all while Venus—Libra’s planetary ruler—dances through security-seeking Taurus. That said, this lunation will bring clarity and emphasis to matters surrounding money, comfort and values in the realm of relationships, and business partnerships. If something is no longer up to par with your higher self, it’s important to trust that the universe is here to remove obstacles from your path, even if it doesn’t seem that way initially.

If your sun sign and/or rising sign happens to fall under any of these zodiac signs, here’s why you’re more likely to have the rug pulled from beneath you this week:

These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have the Worst Week

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iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You’re more comfortable when you have the opportunity to lead with confidence, but an unexpected encounter at the start of the week could have you contemplating the value of a connection, or your sense of direction when it comes to a significant union. Be mindful of those who are purposeful when exerting their power, and perhaps omitting important information.

Shortly after, the moon will peak via the justice-seeking sign of Libra, which charges up your third house of communication and immediate surroundings. Again, though you may have a set idea or belief system influencing your decision-making process, you’re being called to hold space for a completely different perspective. Pay attention to what’s coming up for consideration.

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iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


It doesn’t hurt to have a back-up plan, especially when it pertains to a partnership you depend on for security. Nothing is ever set in stone, and a sporadic conversation at the start of the week could shake things up in ways you weren’t expecting. Also, compromise isn’t necessarily your forte, but it could be what you need in order to find the grounding you’re looking for. And though keeping an open mind is easier said than done, things will only become more challenging if you approach them with a narrow mind.

This week’s full moon in Libra will ignite your 12th house of closure and surrender, and all while its ruler continues to transit your relationship sector. Bottom line, there is a contract and/or union you’re being encouraged to surrender… and deep down inside, you know it’s time.

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iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Be sure to steer away from toxic environments, and individuals who don’t have your best interest. This is especially true with Mercury entering sensually driven Taurus at the start of the week, as it will go head to head with Pluto in your 12th house of unconscious patterns, hidden enemies and all things behind the scenes. Your desire to revel in the voyeurism of the dark web, or simply gossip with a close peer could lead you astray.

This might also have something to do with the energy of the full moon in Libra, as it will touch down on your eighth house of intimate unions and energetic exchanges. This could unveil some uncomfortable truths in the process, but what is no longer in harmony with your soul purpose is falling away. Trust the divine.

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Remi Bader. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
Remi Bader. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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