The 3 Worst Processed Foods That Slow Your Metabolism And Make You Gain Weight

cookies and pretzels
cookies and pretzels

In the fast-paced world of modern living, processed foods have become a prevalent part of many diets, offering convenience but often at the cost of health. Beyond the immediate appeal, the relationship between processed foods, metabolism, and weight gain is a critical one. While these foods may be convenient, some of them can negatively impact metabolism, the body’s engine for burning calories. Understanding the connection between processed foods and their influence on metabolism is crucial for making informed dietary choices that support overall health and weight management.

We spoke with Emily Johnson, RD, nutritionist from Juicereport, and Michelle Saari, RD MSc, health and nutrition specialist at eHealth Project, to learn about the three worst processed foods you should stay away from because they slow down your metabolism and cause weight gain. They revealed that sugary cereals, processed meats, and soda are the culprits to minimize.

Sugary Cereals

Sugary cereals, despite their popularity for breakfast convenience, often present a detrimental impact on metabolism and contribute to weight gain. Loaded with refined sugars and lacking in essential nutrients, these processed cereals can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. Furthermore, the lack of sustained energy from nutrient-poor cereals may result in increased feelings of hunger, prompting additional calorie consumption throughout the day.

"These sugary cereals tend to have a lot of added sugars and refined carbs which spikes blood sugar and insulin levels resulting in a slower metabolism, and increases fat storage in the belly," says Johnson.

Processed Meats

Processed meats, including sausages, bacon, and deli meats, have been linked to potential disruptions in metabolism and weight gain. These meats often undergo curing, smoking, or other processing methods that introduce additives, preservatives, and high levels of sodium. Additionally, some processed meats contain additives like nitrites, which, when consumed in excess, may contribute to insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction. Furthermore, the high fat content in processed meats, particularly unhealthy saturated fats, can contribute to weight gain and negatively impact metabolic health.

Johnson says, "Sausages, bacon, and hot dogs have a high concentration of saturated fats and sodium. They also often contain preservatives like nitrates, disrupting metabolic health and leading to weight gain."


Soda, a widely consumed processed beverage, is a notable contributor to potential metabolic slowdown and weight gain. Packed with high-fructose corn syrup and other refined sugars, sodas can cause rapid spikes in blood glucose levels, prompting a surge in insulin production. Over time, this can lead to insulin resistance, hindering the body's ability to regulate blood sugar effectively. Additionally, the excessive calorie intake from sugary sodas can contribute to weight gain, especially around the abdominal area. The lack of nutritional value in these beverages further compounds the issue, as they provide little satiety, potentially leading to increased overall calorie consumption.

"This is the number 1 source of empty calories that I hear from most of my clients looking to lose weight, and it’s always the first thing I tell them to drop from their diet. Pop or soda, depends where you’re from what you refer to it as, is one of the most useless drinks we have today. It offers zero nutritional value, and is only harmful to our health. It is loaded with sugar, and causes blood sugar spikes, which can be detrimental to anyone's health that struggles with diabetes," says Saari.