3 Wellness Experts of Color Weigh In on Coping Amid Coronavirus

Simply put, we’re living through nerve-wracking times. Whether you or a loved one are feeling ill, or are simply anxious, this is definitely a time to love ourselves, and our communities, a little harder. Of course it’s easier said than done, especially with the constant reminders of rising death tolls, which are especially alarming in communities of color. Luckily, three wellness gurus of color—Lalah Delia, author of Vibrate Higher Daily,; writer and wellness consultant Alex Elle; and founder of Black Girl In Om, Lauren Ash—have some advice on keeping a level head, and finding ways to give back during a scary time.

Photo: Courtest of Lalah Delia / @lalahdelia

Lalah Delia: Writer, author, and wellness educator

Known for her mantra “vibrate higher, daily,” Lalah Delia’s blog is a source of soothing playlists and affirmations. To support people during this time specifically, Delia has teamed up with Conscious City Guide to create a virtual course on emotions titled "Anchoring Ourselves,” which intends to help its attendees gain new spiritual insights. While at home, Delia has instigated a “nervous-system-soothing” routine: She begins with spending quiet grounding time to herself before anyone wakes up: spending it in prayer, contemplation, and writing. She then makes her way to the kitchen—or as she puts it, “the kitchen-spa”—where she prepares daily tonics and home-cooked meals. She incorporates nervines, “a plant medicine that keep the nervous system calm and balanced. The flower essence Clematis historically dispels stress, fear.” She drinks plenty of warm, fennel tea, lemon water with ginger, and apple cider vinegar shots. “Right now, life feels like an invitation to slow down and return to the basic essentials,” she says. In the evening, “we have living room dance parties, where my son puts on old episodes of Soul Train.” Delia

Delia’s Recommended To-Dos
D-Nice’s and Questlove's IG Live DJ sets; Ryan Heffington’s IG Live dance classes. Reading the book The Inward Journey by Howard Thurman. Watching the vintage film Men Of The Forest. Listening to The Expanded Podcast with Lacy Phillips.

Delia’s Words of Advice
“Love yourself through it. Realize that you're doing the best you can right now. Be open to improvising here and there, as necessary. Release any unhealthy relationship with being in total control. We're being reminded that at the end of the day, we're not in control. Surrendering and trusting in a Higher Power and/or your higher purpose will energize you with renewed strength. Dancing, exercise, meditation, breath-work, and supporting others, all release dopamine.”

<cite class="credit">Photo: Courtesy of Alex Elle / @alex_elle</cite>
Photo: Courtesy of Alex Elle / @alex_elle

Alex Elle: Author, Podcast Host, and Wellness Consultant

Known for positive-affirmation-filled poetry, Alex Elle’s days in quarantine have been full. She’s offering a guided meditation on Insight Timer, writing prompts and writing workshop on her website. She’s also created a soothing, guided journal. At home, as a mother of three, it’s all about “trying to balance homeschooling, working from home, and burning our toddler’s energy through neighborhood walks and playtime on the deck.” But she still makes sure to make time for “self check-ins,” whether it shows up in the form of a 60-second intentional deep breath, making a cup of tea or coffee, dance parties to release pent-up tension, or even a nap. Creating space for gratitude “when I get discouraged by fear” is also essential for Elle.

Elle’s Recommended To-Dos:
Read The Invitation by Oriah. Listen to podcasts like Death, Sex, and Money by WYNC Studios; OnBeing with Krista Tippet; This is Love with Phoebe Judge; and Passing Through by Nneka Julia. Try the guided meditation We are the Ones, by Hannah Aiyanna.

Elle’s Words of Advice
“Feel all of your feelings and try to remember to be here now.”

<cite class="credit">Photo: Courtesy of Taylor S. Hunter</cite>
Photo: Courtesy of Taylor S. Hunter

Lauren Ash: Founder of Black Girl In Om, Podcast Host, Writer, Meditation & Yoga Teacher

Ash’s Black Girl In Om is a global platform that provides women of color with wellness workshops based in yoga, meditation, and journaling. The IRL experience also extends online, with wellness-oriented blog posts and podcast episodes. This week, Ash launched The Circle, BGIO’s new digital sister circle to further support their global community of black women and women of color. “Black women over-index in health disparities around the globe. Yet, it’s our truth at Black Girl In Om that we brilliantly possess the power to prevent, cure, and carry dis-ease out of our lives by inviting healing possibilities into our psyche. BGIO strives to rewrite the narrative of what 'well-being' looks like to ourselves and in our communities.”

Ash follows a wellness routine while in quarantine that is “one to inspire, not prescribe,” she emphasizes. “I encourage everyone to shape their days as they can within the energy of their own particular intentions.” Ash begins her day with an in-bed meditation from Tracee Stanley. She follows it with 15 to 20-minute coconut oil pulling while journaling. “I’ve been leaning into the intensity of this moment we’re in and using that energy to fuel my healing and wholeness journey into depths I’ve not yet known.” After journaling, she makes time for prayer, affirmations, and a “fire-fueling” workout. She drinks her immunity herb tea, from Alla Herbs, before getting started on her daily work for BGIO. “Making meals for my family, which I do almost every day for each meal of the day,” has brought her deep comfort as well.

Ash’s Recommended To-Dos
Tracee Stanley’s 21-day Empowered Wisdom Journey; Dr. Nicole Lepera, also known as the holistic psychologist’s YouTube videos.

Ash’s Words of Advice “First, breathe. Take several deep breaths and witness the power of your body to keep you alive in this moment. If you are able to, give thanks and cultivate gratitude for the gift of presence and aliveness. Next, get out a journal, or piece of paper, and reflect on the support systems you have in your life. Third, create a list of your needs. What is it that you need right now? Then reach out. And lead with this question first: do you have the capacity to talk with me through some ways I’m discerning I need support? Lastly: accept their help. Without apologizing. Without feeling like a burden. Witnessing all that comes up for you emotionally.”

Originally Appeared on Vogue