3 Ways The Gifting Pros Want You to Wrap This Christmas - 'These Styles Are Having a Moment!'

 A Christmas tree with wrapped gifts at the bottom.
A Christmas tree with wrapped gifts at the bottom.

Choosing which gifts to buy for your loved ones at Christmas requires a lot of care and deliberation. But once you’ve found the perfect gift comes the task of wrapping it. Wrapping doesn't come naturally to all of us, and if you are creatively challenged, a simple bit of jolly wrapping paper might just suffice. While some of us may tend towards being a little slapdash with our gift wrapping (ahem, guilty), it's actually more important than you might think.

A lovingly, creatively wrapped gift captures just how much the person receiving it means to you, not to mention it looks beautiful at the base of your Christmas tree. To help, I’ve spoken to three styling experts to find out about some of this year's trending Christmas decorating ideas for gift wrapping.

1. Opt for fabric instead of paper

Fabric wrapped gifts under the tree
Fabric wrapped gifts under the tree

More of us are turning to greener options to reduce the environmental impact of gift wrapping. And luckily for us, there are plenty of innovative, easy options available. Enter: Fabric gift wrap.

According to Dayna Isom Johnson, trend expert at Etsy, shoppers have been enjoying the fabric wrap look for a few years, and there is no sign of it slowing down. 'On Etsy we’ve seen a 27 percent increase in searches for ‘eco friendly gift wrap in 2023,' says Dayna.

More than ever, shoppers are choosing eco-friendly wrapping via the furoshiki method. ‘The fabric gift wrap Furoshiki tradition is a Japanese wrapping cloth technique which can be used time and time again’, says Dayna. 'When selecting a fabric for furoshiki gift wrapping, make sure it’s double the size of your gift and at least an extra inch longer, so you have plenty of fabric to tie together at the end.’

For an added layer of character and meaning, Dayna suggests using fabric that has sentimental value, 'such as vintage tea towels and scarves, or old cushion covers or dresses that have been outgrown'.

2. Ribbons, ribbons, ribbons

A Christmas tree with wrapped gifts at the bottom
A Christmas tree with wrapped gifts at the bottom

Ribbons and bows are all the rage right now, and people are bringing this trend into their Christmas gift wrapping. Ribbon is a simple and elegant flourish that is the cherry on top of a beautifully wrapped present, and can work with something simple like brown paper or even old newspapers, as seen here in Shea McGee's Christmas home.

'Bows have been having a real moment across homes and style this year,' says Dayna, who predicts the trend will continue to thrive throughout the festive season as a Christmas decorating trend - but with a sustainable twist.

'However, instead of traditional ribbon bows, shoppers are turning to more sustainable materials such as velvet that can be used year after year to adorn presents. I love the idea of being able to use your Christmas bows again and again.'

3. Remember the accessories

A Christmas tree with simple paper wrapping and bows
A Christmas tree with simple paper wrapping and bows

Sometimes you don't need the most lavish, luxurious wrapping paper on the market - more often than not, it's the little meaningful touches that make all the difference to your gift wrapping.

Alicia Quiles of The Comfort House suggests opting for simple and inexpensive wrapping paper and letting small details do the talking, solving the problem of how to decorate for Christmas cheaply.

For inspiration, look to your backyard foliage and get outside. 'Simple is best! Using inexpensive Kraft or butcher paper as gift wrap makes a lovely backdrop. As a final touch, top with a simple homemade tag and tuck in natural elements like a sprig of cedar greenery, a cinnamon stick or two, or a dried orange.'

Kimberly Harrison, founder of Kimberly Harrison Interiors agrees that little festive flourishes add a dash of fun to your gifts. According to Kimberly, it's possible to maintain a neutral palette while still letting your playful side shine through in the details.

'Selecting one style, color, or even a neutral color as a base and then adding pops of color with fresh greenery or simple ornaments is a great approach,' she says.

'Layering in various papers or ribbons can add interest while still maintaining a neutral palette under your tree. This way, you can achieve a cohesive and visually pleasing look for your wrapped gifts.'

6 Accessories to Elevate Your Gift Wrapping

Furoshiki Traditional Japanese Wrapping Cloth

Price: $10.99

Handmade Fringe Chiffon Silk Ribbon

Price: $14.99

Artificial Pine Cones and Red Berries

Price: $8.40

Furoshiki Japanese Wrapping Cloth

Price: $12.46

Artificial Ribbon Gold Leaf

Price: $11.48

Red velvet ribbon

Price: $6.19