3 Things Humans Do That Could Potentially Make Cats Sad

As a pet parent, the last thing you would want to do is to make your furry friend sad. After all, everything you do for them is to show them they are loved and cared for, but even the most experienced pet owners can slip up sometimes. But that's why we're here to help!

When I first came across this helpful video from Bella, Duke, and Jinx the cats, I knew I had to share it. Their thoughtful owner compiled a list of 3 things cat owners do that might be making their kitty sad. While one of the items on this list makes complete sense, cat people are having a ball debating the other two. No matter what you think, though, I'm willing to bet that you'll learn something from the January 8 video!

Firstly, that tortoiseshell cat is gorgeous! I was so distracted by the majestic multicolored kitty that I had to watch the video a second time to actually pay attention. It's easy to see why @purrfect_cuddly_cats uses this tortie as a model, even though this video's informational audio original comes from @cat_tigrous the tabby cat!

Related: Believe it or Not, Pigs Can Purr Just Like Cats When They're Happy

In my opinion, it's pretty obvious that ignoring your cat's requests for playtime could lead to a sad kitty. But not many cat owners think about how a 'no' could impact future play sessions! When a cat wants to play but their owner repeatedly refuses to engage, it'll start to learn that the answer is always no. You don't have to drop everything whenever your feline is feeling frisky, but you should make a point to pick up a cat toy at least once a day.

Does Your Cat Really Need to Sleep With You?

No one denies that cats need companionship despite their independent, even aloof, natures, but many cat owners are hesitant about letting their furry friends sleep in their beds. I get it! It's important to get a good night's sleep as often as possible, but this isn't possible if a cat is hacking up hairballs and pouncing at your toes all night long.

Some cats stop acting up at night when given more outlets for their energy, like frequent playtime and a new cat tower to satisfy their climbing instincts. This extra feline mental stimulation will make for a happy cat, too, so there's no reason not to dedicate more time and energy to your feline friend. They'll certainly thank you!

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