3 Simple Ways to Quit Nicotine, Caffeine, and Alcohol


You've heard about the Great Resignation, but quitting your job is just one way that throwing in the towel can be a great way to get ahead. This story is part of a Men's Health series on how real-life quitters became winners—and how you can join them.

WHETHER YOU RELY on vaping to feel calm, drinking coffee or energy drinks to perk up, or knocking back your favorite alcoholic drink to unwind a little, all three of these extremely common vices can wreak havoc on your health and life—especially because they’re so addictive. The good news: We have the step-by-step plan for abandoning each for good. This might take some work, but you’ll feel better for it.

Escape the Vape

Vaping is designed to keep you hooked despite the risk of lung damage and even cancer. That’s because vape “juice,” a.k.a. liquid nicotine is converted to a vapor that is absorbed directly by your lungs and delivered right into the bloodstream, explains Paul Hokemeyer, Ph.D., a clinical psychotherapist and addiction expert. This puts your nervous system into a state of hyperarousal that initially feels great. “Unfortunately, this state of euphoria quickly fades leaving us feeling so depleted that we are compelled to keep chasing that initial high,” Hokemeyer says. Want to stop? Try this:

Step 1: Try cold turkey.

“Most people who wind up stopping smoking tobacco, despite all of the different methods to stop, just throw it out and go cold turkey one day,” says Edwin Salsitz, M.D., associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Mount Sinai. The same is likely true of vaping. Just be ready. You may experience withdrawal symptoms like headaches and cravings for a few days, Dr. Salsitz says. Hint: Tylenol helps.

Step 2: Fill the void the healthy way.

If Tylenol and trying to tolerate withdrawal symptoms just aren’t doing enough and you’re driven back to the vape, consider bringing on additional coping tools. Try mental health counseling, yoga, or asking your doctor for anti-craving medication says Dr. Hokemeyer. Early evidence shows CBD may also prove to be helpful, according to a 2017 study on rats in the journal Addiction Biology.

Step 3: Remember, it all takes time.

“Quitting vaping is hard. You may make two steps forward, one step back, and another sideways,” says Dr. Hokemeyer. “The goal is increments of better, not perfection. If you find yourself being pulled back into old behaviors, try again.” To keep your spirits up, don’t forget the power of regular exercise, which can offer mood-boosting endorphins.

Cut out Caffeine

You may think you crave the taste coffee, soda, or energy drinks, but each sip comes with a nice hit of caffeine for adrenaline and dopamine stimulation. That makes it hard to quit completely, says Dr. Hokemeyer, especially because caffeine can mask exhaustion, and you reach for another cup when the previous one wears off. If you don’t feel alert without your cup or can of choice, find yourself struggling to sleep at night, or often feel wound up or anxious, it may be time for an intervention, says MH advisor Drew Ramsey, M.D., a clinical psychiatrist and addiction specialist. To break that cycle, try this:

Step 1: Improve your sleep.

“If you’re really sluggish in the morning and dependent on caffeine, you really need to work hard on excellent sleep quality,” says Drew Ramsey. Make getting an extra hour (or two!) each night a priority to reduce your reliance on the stimulant. Just remember that caffeine has a long half-life, so you should also avoid drinking too much in the afternoon.

Step 2: Set a realistic quit date.

“Set a goal of three to six months to completely wean yourself off caffeine,” says Dr. Hokemeyer. The idea is to ramp down slowly to avoid headaches, irritability, and serious fatigue. “The longer and kinder the time frame you give yourself, the better will be your chances of success.”

Step 3: Rise and rev up differently.

The best way to re-energize without an energy drink may be an early workout, says Dr. Ramsey. “Create a very structured and intentional morning for how you’re going to replicate what coffee was doing for you: waking you up and getting you motivated.” Extra points if you’ve got a friend, trainer, or group exercise class to hold you accountable.

Break up With Booze

When drinking is ingrained as a means of socializing, relaxing, or coping, it becomes even harder to quit—especially if not all your non-sober friends are on board with the idea. “Only 20 percent of Americans don’t drink alcohol; it’s part of the social fabric of the country,” says Dr. Salsitz. But while you may drink to change your mood, the downside can be immediate if you do something you’ll regret later. And next day hangovers can leave you feeling worse over time. Alcohol, after all, is a depressant. To reset in a new way, try this:

Step 1: Be honest about your drinking habits.

The CDC defines risky drinking for men as having more than 15 drinks per week. That’s the point at which you may be creating inadvertent stress and anxiety for yourself because you’ve started to depress your central nervous system. For some, it can lead to feeling like you need a drink more often. If you’re well above that number, quitting alcohol cold turkey could be hard or even dangerous because you’ll deal with shakiness, sweats, intense anxiety, and maybe even worse withdrawal symptoms. Consult a physician or other counseling organization if you think you’re high on the alcohol use disorder continuum and you want to quit.

Step 2: Reset your worldview.

“’People, places, and things’” is a key phrase in AA,” explains Dr. Salsitz. If you can’t find a healthy way to limit consumption, think about the people, places, and things in your vicinity that trigger you to drink. Then physically remove yourself from those triggers. It could mean finding a run group instead of hitting up happy hour, or moving meetups with friends from bars to cafés. It can be smart to remove alcohol from your place, especially if you find something healthy to quaff instead (See Step 3).

Step 3: Give yourself a ‘liquid reward.’

There are non-alcoholic versions of your favorite imbibements, which can help you not feel like an outsider in social settings. If that isn’t appealing, or feels too triggering, try a new liquid refreshment at the end of the day—like kombucha or seltzer water—to trick your mind into winding down. “Kombucha gives me a little hit of sugar and sparkly fizz, a liquid reward to replace that ritual aspect without alcohol,” says Dr. Ramsey. “This can be helpful for some people depending on where they are.”

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