3 Popular Supplements That Come With Hidden Risks, According To Experts

supplements spilling out of pill oragnizer
supplements spilling out of pill oragnizer

With promises of improved health, enhanced performance, and a myriad of benefits, it’s no wonder that many people are turning to supplements as a way to support their well-being. However, while there are certainly many helpful options out there, it’s important to proceed with caution when choosing supplements. While health experts deem some as simply ineffective, there are also a fair share of supplements that can be just plain dangerous to your health.

To shed some light on some of the supplements that are better left on the shelf due to their possible consequences, we spoke to health experts Mary Sabat, nutritionist; Dr. Jing Liu, OMD, PHD of Sol Nutrition; and Vivian Yu, nutritionist and personal trainer. They told us that stimulants for weight loss, melatonin, and bitter orange all have potential downsides. Learn more about the risks of these supplements below.

1. Weight loss supplements with stimulants

Many supplements that are meant to help people shed pounds fast contain stimulants. However, while stimulants may, indeed, lead to weight loss due to the fact that they work as appetite suppressants, Yu warns that they can also lead to a range of harmful side effects. "Some of the worst weight loss supplements out there are those that contain stimulants like caffeine or ephedra," she says.

She lists rapid heart rate, insomnia, anxiety, and heart palpitations as potential consequences of taking these supplements and even warns that "many weight loss supplements contain ingredients that have not been proven to be effective for weight loss or are simply not safe for human consumption." Yikes! For this reason, it's always best to focus on maintaining a balanced diet and incorporating fat-blasting workouts into your daily routine, rather than relying on harmful supplements.

2. Melatonin

If you struggle with insomnia, you may frequently reach for this ever-popular supplement; melatonin is probably the most popular sleep solution around. However, Dr. Liu notes that although melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone in your body, taking it as a supplement could cause long-term sleep issues over time and even result in dependence.

"Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate sleep-wake cycles," she says. "While melatonin supplements are not typically considered addictive, they can cause dependence in some individuals if used for long periods." In addition to possible tolerance and dependence, melatonin can also result in issues like headaches and dizziness. It often leads to morning grogginess, as well. Luckily, there are a few other sleep supplements out there that could help you find truly restful sleep.

Ultimately, though, it's always best to make good sleep hygiene a priority by following healthy nighttime habits.

3. Bitter orange

Bitter orange is often viewed as a natural weight loss supplement. Unfortunately, though, just as with those containing stimulants, Sabat tells us that it could lead to dangerous effects—and may not even be effective for weight loss after all.

"Bitter orange, also known as Citrus aurantium, is often used as a weight loss supplement," she notes. "However, it can cause heart problems and has been linked to strokes and heart attacks." If you ask us, that's definitely not worth the prospect of losing a few pounds.

The bottom line

Ultimately, it's crucial to exercise caution when considering supplements. While some can be beneficial, not all supplements are safe or effective. It's always a good idea to do your research and speak to a healthcare professional before adding a new supplement to your regimen. And at the end of the day, the best way to maintain your wellbeing is generally to prioritize a nutritious diet and practice healthy habits rather than turning to supplements as a quick fix.