This 3-Move Bodyweight Circuit Will Give You Stronger Glutes

Photo credit: Kyle Miyamoto
Photo credit: Kyle Miyamoto

From Bicycling

When you decide on what you’re trying to accomplish with your workouts, you typically choose a specific muscle group to target for that day. It’s usually a rotation of chest and arms, core, and of course you’ll never skip leg day. But when it comes to leg day, there are muscles in your legs that you shouldn’t forget to focus on. We’re talking about your glutes—which will help you sit, stand, and climb.

The glutes are the largest muscles in your body, and keeping them strong and engaged is important for everything from overall strength and power to sports performance to good posture and back health. Ignoring your glutes is a big mistake, as sedentary lifestyles and poor posture can cause gluteal amnesia—or dead butt syndrome—a condition that occurs when your gluteus medius stops firing. That’ll ruin your high-level athletic performance and overall well-being, so you should be incorporating moves that will fire up your glutes.

[Looking to start cross training but don’t know where to start? The Beginner’s Guide to Strength Training will teach you all the fundamentals to get the most out of your weight session, priming you for stronger miles in the saddle.]

Trainers like Charlee Atkins, C.S.C.S. knows how important your glutes are. Atkins recognizes that this type of training should start at an accessible level for anyone and everyone, which is why she designed this bodyweight circuit to get your butt in gear.

“All you need is an elevated surface [to do the circuit],” says Atkins. “Don’t have a bench or block? Couches and chairs work fine, too.”

She also clarifies exactly what you’re doing here. “We in the industry like to divide butt and thigh workouts into ‘knee dominant’ and ‘hip dominant exercises,’” she says. “Knee dominant equals movement at the hip and the knee, while hip dominant equals movement at the hip, with minimal knee bend—which is what we have here.”

Perform each exercise continuously for 30 seconds, moving from one to the next with little to no rest.

  • Shoulders-Elevated Hip Raise

  • Feet-Elevated Hip Raise

  • Single-Leg Shoulders-Elevated Hip Raise

Run through this circuit using only your bodyweight when you start out, emphasizing the squeeze at the top of the motion. Perform the circuit three to five times for a full workout. Once you get accustomed to the movements, add a load using dumbbells or a barbell.

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