3 Maid of Honor Dilemmas and How to Solve Them

Choosing the right Maid of Honor (MOH) can feel like a big deal. This girl will be with you through every step of your engagement. She'll plan the bachelorette party, she'll host the bridal party, she'll cry with you at your wedding dress fitting, she'll yell at the crazy cousin that shows up late to the wedding, she'll make a speech so perfect you'll laugh and cry at the reception, and she'll support you no matter what. Here are a few scenarios you may find yourself in when choosing your MOH and what to do.

Scenario 1: You have a sister but you don't want her to be your MOH This can be a tough one. For whatever reason, you've decided your sister shouldn't be your MOH. If you two have a close relationship, just be honest with her. Sit her down before you talk to anyone else. Make sure she knows you love her and that she holds a special place in your wedding. Give her the option to have an important role in your wedding but allow her to decide if she wants to still be involved. It's not an easy discussion but if you're gracious and understanding - she will lean that way as well.

Scenario 2: Your MOH had to bail and you have to find a new MOH Life brings unexpected changes. Your MOH could have become pregnant on bed rest, she could have had a death in her family or moved abroad, or you two could have had a falling out. Either way, you may feel a slight wave of panic as you decide what to do next. Look to your current team of girls. Perhaps one of your bridesmaids is willing to fill the gap, or maybe you feel like you're at a place where you have such a supportive team that you don't need one friend or sister to be your MOH. Decide what's best for you and be honest with your girls. If they love you they'll just be happy to support you.

Scenario 3: You don't have a girlfriend or sister who would be your MOH There are a couple different directions you could go in with this one. You could pull royal move, and just have a group of little flower girls draped in big white dresses around you. That's such a fun way to include all the little girls in your life, plus you get to be the center of attention as the Bride/Queen that you are. A second route you could take is to have your brother or best guy friend by your Man of Honor, as long as your future spouse is cool with it. Why not!? I have a serious feeling that will be a future trend. Finding your MOH can feel tough in the different scenarios that life throws at you. Remember that what makes you and your future spouse comfortable and happy in the end is all that matters.

Style Me Pretty Contributor - Kylie Thompson is a freelance writer, blogger and marketing professional from Grand Rapids Michigan, where she resides with her husband and golden retriever. When she isn't working, you will find her exploring Grand Rapids' newest culinary establishments with her husband, or traveling up and down Lake Michigan's coast.