3 iPhone Charging Hacks For A Longer-Lasting Battery


The health of your iPhone battery has a lot to do with how efficiently your phone runs and the kind of user experience you get to enjoy from it. But that doesn’t mean you have to swap out your battery for a brand new one every other month. Keeping on top of your charging habits and following a few trusted tech expert tips can be all it takes to prolong the life of your smartphone battery so that your device runs more efficiently. Tech Expert Alex Alexakis, founder and CEO of PixelChefs, suggests starting right here, with three iPhone charging hacks for a longer-lasting battery. 

Turn most notifications off

Alexakis’ first suggestion is to turn off your notifications for good battery life. “I have 32 apps on my phone, and only eight of them can send notifications,” Alexakis said. “I never use alerts; instead, I only use banners for calls and calendar appointments and badges for things that should be checked someday but are never urgent, such as app updates.”

The reality is that notifications force your phone and its battery to work harder by constantly searching for updates to push through to you. The fewer you can live without, the better off your battery will be. 

Avoid the use of cases when charging

Phone cases are the best defense when it comes to protecting your phone against physical damage, but some types of cases aren’t so great when you’re charging your device. “I advise against using several types of cases when charging,” Alexakis said. “Bulky cases could trap the heat inside, slowing the charging process at that particular time. iPhones typically tend to get a little warm while charging. Long-term, this will also impact the iPhone’s battery life and capacity to keep a charge.”

Go for dark mode

Most of the time, our iPhones remain in light mode throughout the day and switch to dark mode at night, Alexakis explains, and he points out that dark mode on the iPhone uses 20% to 30% less battery. “If you feel comfortable using both modes simultaneously while using your iPhone, I advise switching it entirely to dark mode,” he said. “You will also benefit from this modification by getting up to two hours of battery life throughout the day.”

These small changes can add up to big benefits where your phone battery is concerned. Whether you’re already experiencing a slower and less efficient phone battery or want to take precautions before that can happen, start by following these three simple tips.