These 3 DIY Tutorials Will Get You Expensive Style for a Steal

These 3 DIY Tutorials Will Get You Expensive Style for a Steal

Sometimes the best ideas are the ones that come to you out of necessity! Check out two amazing young women who learned to get big style on a small budget by doing it themselves.

HOW TO CREATE: A Hanging Terrarium

Hanging terrariums can really bring life to a room, but the hangers can be pricey. YouTube DIY star Hayley Williams made her own version -- by tying some cord into knots in a basket pattern! Looks complicated, but it’s really not. Watch the video above to see how easy it is.

HOW TO CREATE: Marbleized Pillow Cases

This fun project is so simple -- just add paint from a marbling kit (available at craft stores or online) into a bin of water in a swirl pattern, then dip a pillowcase in -- done!

HOW TO CREATE: A Celeb Outfit on a Budget

Tess Christine is a fashion vlogger who re-creates celeb looks on a budget. She took the below outfit worn by Selena Gomez (worth more than $4,000!) and re-created it for less than $100!

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on Feb 14, 2017 at 4:02pm PST

Tess’ version of the dress cost only $42, while her sandals cost $30. She also added a leather jacket that she already had in her closet (a staple she recommends everyone buy).

TIP: For leather jackets, go with the matte leather versus shiny. It looks more expensive.