3-D to dog's rescue: A new leg gives Everett mobility

Some of you may remember that in June of 2019, the Leon County Humane Society rescued a six month old puppy that had his right front leg blown off and his left rear paw damaged in a shooting in Bristol. He was found under a school and had been on the run for days.

The Democrat ran an article on him that caught my attention. I had just lost my tripod who was missing a back leg.

Everett lost his leg as a 6-month-old in a shooting accident in 2019.
Everett lost his leg as a 6-month-old in a shooting accident in 2019.

Dr. Anderson of Buck Lake Animal Hospital did the surgery to clean up his wound. His survival was questionable. With the support from the vets and the staff, Everett, named by Buck Lake Animal Hospital Office manager Paula Jamross, made a great recovery.

He will forever have shot in his damaged back paw.

2019 story: Saving Everett: Puppy fighting for his life after being shot and losing his leg

More on Everett: After being found shot, recovering puppy reunited with mom and siblings

I adopted Everett and a new adventure began for the two of us. He adjusted well but time has taken a toll on his outside stamina. Last month I came upon and article where a company in New Jersey was 3-D printing prosthetics for a variety of injured animals.

I contacted 3-D Pets and we began the process of seeing if Everett was a good candidate. He was. He is full grown, harness trained and his weight is controlled.

In June of 2019, the Leon County Humane Society rescued a 6 month old puppy that had his right front leg blown off in an accident. Everett's owner discovered a company in New Jersey that was 3-D printing prosthetics for a variety of injured animals.
In June of 2019, the Leon County Humane Society rescued a 6 month old puppy that had his right front leg blown off in an accident. Everett's owner discovered a company in New Jersey that was 3-D printing prosthetics for a variety of injured animals.

My sister Barbara and I decided it was a gift we could give him for all he gives us. We always wished for a leg for Everett but never thought it a reality.

We made a body cast from the 3-D Pets kit they provided and shipped it on to New Jersey. The cast was scanned to begin the process of adjustments to begin the printing of his harness and the fittings for a new leg and shock absorbing paw.

Everett's new leg will help to support his full body, create a new cadence and allow him to go further and longer.
Everett's new leg will help to support his full body, create a new cadence and allow him to go further and longer.

Because of the loss of his leg Everett has had to make many body adjustment and the constant hopping on his left leg has put a lot of pressure on his shoulder. His new leg will help to support his full body, create a new cadence and allow him to go further and longer.

3-D Pets refers to his new leg as his Outdoor Equipment as he will not wear it inside.

So be on the look out for Everett as he learns to overcome his loss and adjust to his new gain.

I am thankful that there are new young people making the technology available to make many lives better.

Everett is able to get around better with his new 3-D prosthetic leg.
Everett is able to get around better with his new 3-D prosthetic leg.

He is now in training a little each day to get him used to the leg, adjust his balance and develop a comfort level of having 4 points of contact as he relearns to walk. Patience and perseverance will be our watchword for a while. Wish my boy well.

Excitement is afoot!

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: 3-D prosthesis gives 3-legged dog Everett new mobility