28 Clever Teachers Whose Students Should Be Grateful To Have Such A Fun Teacher

1. This teacher who posted this creative meme on a Romeo and Juliet review.

2. This teacher who has a giant projection of his face displayed during tests.

3. This teacher's clever history assignment infused with Twitter.

4. This professor who brilliantly trolled students with a fake "answer key."

5. This teacher who pranked their students on April Fools by telling them they have to wear shower caps as a safety precaution.

6. This teacher who adds additional doodles to their students' drawings.

7. This teacher's list of emergencies that qualify as important enough to interrupt their lessons.

8. This professor who wears this special hat and cape when performing experiments.

9. This teacher's bathroom pass after repeatedly having their bathroom pass stolen.

10. This teacher's fun trivia reveal.

11. These teachers who welcomed their students back with all of this.

12. This professor who taught their class in this getup.

13. This history teacher who showed up in style/character.

14. This teacher who dressed as Arthur for Halloween.

15. This professor who clearly enjoys CHAOS.

16. This teacher who apologized for spilled beer while grading.

17. This cooking teacher's pizza decoration/important message.

18. This teacher's way of encouraging students to update their email address.

19. This teacher's station for late assignments.

20. The teachers who are encouraging aspiring musicians to expand their vocabulary for improved lyrics.

21. This English teacher who posted this meme in the classroom

22. This teacher who has a rotating meme board that includes gems like this.

23. This math teacher's pi meme.

24. This biology teacher's mitochondria meme.

25. This health teacher's anti-e-cigarette meme.

26. And this math teacher's Pokémon themed meme.

27. This geometry teacher trying to entertain bored students with break dancing.

28. And finally, this professor's incredibly tricky door that I had to stare at for a solid 30 seconds to figure out it's just an image.