These 28 "Succession" Season 3 Moments Had Me Feeling All Types Of Ways

It's obvious that after the bombshell Kendall Roy dropped in the Season 2 finale of Succession that Season 3 would start with the immediate aftermath of his press conference. With just three episodes having aired, we're still trying to figure out who will have the upper hand in all of this, Logan or Ken.

So far it's been a mad dash to not only getting the best lawyer but figuring out who is loyal to whom. In the midst of all the chaos, there have already been some

Let's get right to it, and of course I must warn you of 🚨Spoilers🚨.

1.The president's support

Roman, Logan, Shiv and Frank listening to Gerri on the phone

2."Who says I never killed anyone?"

Don't trust anyone on "Succession"

I don't know anybody who wasn't immediately shocked at Ken's response to Greg saying that this is like OJ if he would've never killed anyone. I can only imagine Greg's awkwardness if he ever finds out the truth.


3.31 flavors

Karl speaking

4."If your hands are clean, it's only because your whorehouse also does manicures."

Logan Roy sitting down speaking to his fellow execs

5.Tom backing Gerri and Roman but not Shiv

Tom looking concerned as he speaks to someone off camera

6.Roman shooting himself in the foot for the CEO position

Roman on the phone with his father Logan

7.Shiv drops the ball on getting Lisa Arthur

Lisa Arthur and Shiv discussing if she will represent the Roy family

8."Your friend doesn't like you boo hoo boo hoo; Dad wants to fire you."

Roman laying in bed on the phone with his sister teasing her for not getting the CEO position

9.Beast Mode

Logan Roy looking angry while Tom is in the background.

10.Greg's uncertainty

Kendall and Greg discussing his nervousness about being investigated

There's a glimpse of Greg having some buyer's remorse, after realizing what pledging his loyalty to Kendall could mean for him. The reality that he might have to speak to law enforcement or Congress has him questioning if Ken has his best interest at heart.


11."You have good instincts; you also have HORRIBLE instincts."

Gerri smiling at Roman off screen

12."You tell yourself you're a good person, but you're not a good person."

The way this family speaks to each other is what makes this show so great. Hearing Ken say this to his sister seemed like something he definitely learned from his father. Trying to manipulate that side of Shiv that believes herself to be the only one with her hands clean. 

The way this family speaks to each other is what makes this show so great. Hearing Ken say this to his sister seemed like something he definitely learned from his father. Trying to manipulate that side of Shiv that believes herself to be the only one with her hands clean.


13.Greg's lawyer fiasco

Greg sharing a beer with an old friend while trying to get legal advice

14."If everyone's showing up to battle in armor, then I feel kinda exposed here in my loin cloth."

Greg speaking to his grand father Ewan off camera

15.Family reunion

The Roy family of Shiv, Roman, Connor and Ken sitting together about to talk.

16.Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!!

Marcia looking offscreen with a stern look on her face.

17."Don't threaten me, Gerri..."

Roman on the phone

18."These are relevant donuts."

Roman, Shiv, Connor, and Ken all speaking after being sent donuts from Logan

19.President Shiv

Logan and Shiv in the backseat of a car smirking after Logan has told Shiv she will be President of the company

20.The interview

Kendall smiling after being asked a question about his family in an interview

21."Maybe I don't do that dance."

Gerri speaking to Logan off camera about agents trying to serve a subpoena

Logan's response to agents trying to serve him a subpoena is classic. He's a man that clearly has roared at any adversity he's faced and feels he can do the same to the Department of Justice. Cooperation is a weakness in his eyes, and this is just another example of him wanting to puff his chest.


22.Good tweet, bad tweet

Kendall and Naomi sitting in the back of a limo with a frown from reading a bad tweet

23.The Committee for Protection and Welfare of Journalists ceremony

Kendall looking at his sister at a an award ceremony

24.Shiv and Tom discuss him possibly sacrificing himself for the company

Tom drinks and looks onward.

25.Logan versus the president

Michelle Anne speaking with Logan Roy in a private room about his situation

26.Nirvana playing during Shiv's speech

Shiv at the podium looking worried with Hugo, and Karolina on the side trying to figure it out

27.Shiv goes for Ken's throat

With Ken trying to be self-deprecating in most of this episode, nothing probably hurt worst than when he saw the letter that Shiv wrote to the media. Even if we understand why Shiv responded the way she did, the fact that Connor and Roman didn't want to take part shows how ruthless the move is. Coincidentally, it happens at the worst time for Ken, as he was going to be a guest host on a political comedy show that has been roasting him throughout this episode. This, in turn, makes him flee from being on the show, which as a viewer made me feel bad for Ken but also wonder,

28."Can they come back tomorrow?"

Logan speaking to Gerri off camera

Did these moments hit you as hard as they did me? Are there any other Succession moments that had you like "Ooooo!" Let us know in the comments below!