28 Boyfriends Who Made Food "Creations" That Were So Bad, People Just HAD To Share It

I think we can all agree that not everyone is good at cooking, right? And, to be quite honest, a lot of people don't even have ~great~ taste in food. And that's fine...no judgement!!

Fox / Via giphy.com

But there are some people in this world who woke up one day and decided to choose chaos when it came to their food.

pants.allrent.us / Via giphy.com

These are those people, and each one of them just so happens to be someone's boyfriend:

1. Like this boyfriend who apparently does not know what macaroni OR cheese is:

2. And this boyfriend who is truly upsetting me:

3. This boyfriend who is 1,000% chaotic with their food:

4. This boyfriend who needs to stop and think before making a sandwich next time:

5. This boyfriend who I guess, kinda, sorta, tried:

6. This boyfriend who didn't try hard enough:

7. This boyfriend who probably needs to make an appointment with their dentist STAT:

8. This boyfriend who made two separately good things look awful together:

9. This boyfriend who thought adding a bit of cracked pepper on top of his ketchup, sliced cheese, and tortilla would actually make it better (it did not):

10. This boyfriend who haphazardly wrapped up stir fry with a tortilla:

11. And this boyfriend who thought this was appropriate:

12. This boyfriend who I have many, many questions for, including, "Are...are those sardines or bananas?" (Either way, you need to stop.):

13. This boyfriend who needs a lesson on how to cut sandwiches because this is NOT it:

14. This boyfriend who...I just can't:


16. This boyfriend who got REAL creative in a REAL bad way:

17. And this boyfriend who did not:

18. This boyfriend who makes me ask, "How is this nostalgic?!"

19. This boyfriend who needs to be stopped the next time he gets anywhere near the kitchen:

20. This boyfriend who apparently just wanted a gravy swamp and not actual food:

21. This boyfriend who at least tried, but like, LOL:

22. This boyfriend who needs to expand his palate:

23. This boyfriend who needs a quick lesson on proportions:

24. And this boyfriend who needs to reel it in:

25. This boyfriend who's apparently on a mission to make people puke:

26. This boyfriend who put MAYO AND FRIED ONIONS on a pickle:

27. This boyfriend who kept it simple, but is still somehow absolutely without a doubt chaotic:

28. And finally, this boyfriend who is really looking to start something:

H/T r/shittyfoodporn