27 People Who Committed Some Unforgivable Food Crimes

1. This metallic meal:

2. These eerie eggs:

3. This blackened bacon:

4. This loathsome loaf:

5. This questionable cake:

6. This French toast failure:

7. This mac attack:

8. This meal that puts the "ick" in "chicken":

9. This crispy cookie:

10. This haunting Steve Harvey cake:

11. These raw rolls:

12. This charred treat:

13. This upsetting combo:

14. This well-done loaf:

15. These burnt buttholes:

16. These ghostly white wieners:

17. These blackened bits:

18. This rough roast:

19. This pizza from hell:

20. This crumbling calzone:

21. This meal that couldn't be saved:

22. This problematic pie:

23. This soggy cake:

24. This colossal cookie:

25. This milky mess:

26. These pizzas with an extra-crispy crust:

27. Finally, this freaky flapjack:

As always, thank you r/shittyfoodporn for all the laughs!