I Can't Stop Laughing At All These Ignorant Americans Who Got Absolutely Roasted Into Oblivion

1.On the countries of the world:

american who thinks there are only 7 countries in the world

2.On Ukraine:

american asking why ukraine doesn't have a first amendment

3.On liters:


4.On Georgia:

american who thinks georgia is only a state and not a country

5.On Germany:

American who doesn't understand that germany has states

6.On debt:

American saying they have never heard of sri lanka

7.On Greenland:

american who says that greenland is claimed by the usa

8.On Independence Day:

american getting roasted after complaining about the way europeans do dates

9.On bread:

american who thinks sourdough bread was made in the usa

10.On the Titanic:

american who says that if the titanic were built in america it would not have sunk

11.On temperature:

american who does not understand how celsius works

12.On Liberia:

american who says the american flag should have 52 stars

13.On Tylenol:

american saying they wouldnt use the european brand of tylonel because of the name

14.On Brazil:

american who can't fathom people can speak multiple languages

15.On measurements:

american saying they'd never play a game that uses centimeters

16.On cups and grams:

american complaining about measuring stuff in grams

17.On May 16th:

american who does not understand uk dates

18.On English:

american saying that traditional english comes from the usa

19.On the Eiffel Tower:

person who thinks the eiffel tower was built in vegas

20.On dates:

american who doesn't understand uk dates

21.On politics:

american saying right wing and left wing as political terms were made in usa

22.On marines:

person who says you shouldn't be able to call your soldiers marrines if they are not american

23.On jail:

american saying prisons in other countries do not work

24.On NASA:

american who doesn't understand metric system

25.On Denmark:

person who doesn't realize other countries don't use english names

26.On 24-hour time:

american who does not know about 24 time

27.And on spelling:

person who can't spell realize right